Monday, August 31, 2009
Up! Up! UP!!!
Last night, while my older brother was playing with his ps2 games, I stayed with him downstairs to chat with him. Then I realized it was the last day of holiday jor, so I said the both of us sleep downstairs lar. Then he took his mattress, I took my mattress. The both of us sleep in the living room for the night. We talked about lots of things and the time I turn off the light is already like 5 something. Ohh... Crazy...
And this morning, mama dragged me out of bed to go out with her. Oh man... I just have a few hours of sleep. Went to meet up with "yima"s and my cousins they all. Hmm, went for shopping too at the Curve. Hah, and I bought a... Dang dang dang dang! I bought a MEMBERSHIP CARD. It was Padini. And by applying to be a member means you get to enjoy the discount. Ohh~~~
I was so stupid today. I have wanted to go and see the UP movie and I got two invitation today, but I didn't went for neither. Awhh... Stupid me. My cousin who is same age with me ask me to go out with his friends for the Up movie. But all 7 guys with me 1 girl. No way. No, no, no. So, I said to him and his friends:" You guys have fun". Then KahLun got ask me to go see too, and I totally forgot about it. I juts remember it when I reached home. Oh my... Sorry ya, KahLun.
p.s. Going to school tomorrow, I'm a different lady. I'm a mature and sophisticate women called Wong Li Shien. No more kid stuff. I'm a women now, not a girl anymore. No more laughing with my mouth open widely, no more shouting for other people, no more running around and of course no more crying.
My heart melted to the ground, found something true.
Loving you is not a one day or two day thing.
I want to be married to you!
Hope to the end.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
To All the Ones I LOVE.
Don't ever cry.
Please don't waste it.
Keep your tears.
I don't want your tears.
Don't cry no more.
Seeing someone I deeply love crying in front of me the other day, I... I cried too seeing that person cry. I was hurt seeing that person got hurt. And today, another person whom I truly loved cried. And I was like crying again with that person.
I mean, what the? I'm not even crying for myself. I'm crying for other people. You know when the one you love so much is sad, you will naturally feel sad about it too. That's what I'm feeling now.
-Like last year, when Amanda sms me to tell me her boyfriend was cheating on her. I knew something was wrong with that sms, I quickly phone her to see what's going on. When she picked up the phone, she was calling out my name loudly and crying. Well, for a moment, I was shocked, so so shocked. Then the next thing I know, I was crying with her while comforting her through the phone.
-Also last year, forgot what happen dy, Man was crying in the class. I lend her my shoulder for her to cry. Then I was crying too seeing her sad face.
-Ah hah, and this year, Mei cried too in the toilet. Shit man! She rushed out of the class and I totally knew something was wrong, and I found out that she's crying. Oh my... And for a while in there, I did cry for a short time, then the both of us went back to class.
See? See? See? You know how this really effects me. Uhh hmm, so to all my friends, if you want to know if I love you, cry in front of me and then wait for my reaction if I'm crying too. Hah, joking. Joking. JOKING.
Really, the person I love crying in front of me have a very big effect on me. I feel that same kind of hurt too. Seeing their crying face, it's like someone is punching my heart. If you know what I mean. I'll do anything to protect the ones that I love.

So, to all the ones that I love,
Ohh, and another thing, my mother went on to cancel the sports channel on my Astro and went to change it into news channel. God! So, it went from ESPN to CNN. What the? Give me my sports channel back! Now where can I watch my football shows? Damn...
WX- sorry I didn't reply your sms. My phone went out of order. I really didn't know that you were reading my blog this whole time. And yes I'm kinda shocked to hear you say those things. And I will reply your message very soon after my phone has recover. I promise.
And dear blog readers, I'm not liking anyone now okay. And yes, I'm still SINGLE. Oh my, I even bold that s word. Hah, the post that I said I was sorry was for my ex which is a very long time ago. And the post a few days back that saying I'm sad because I couldn't do anything for him that I love is my family member. Okay, so calm down, and chill. I'm not liking anyone NOW.
p.s. Ten years from now, I still want to love you. That time when I'm older and mature, you can't say that I'm just crazy or out of my mind, coz by that time, I'll be ten times more sure of my feelings towards you.
*don't misunderstand up here, it's still for one of my family member.
p.s.s. I want to buy a white mini skirt.
One and Only: Shien
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I'm StilL a GIRL.
Yeah, for real, I like seeing it on the sports channel.
I totally love it.
It's always so exciting to watch two team kicking ONE ball.
And now I'm totally waiting for the FIFA world cup next year.
I'm 100% sure I'm a girl all right(despite the fact that I hate chocolate).
Friday, August 28, 2009
Just for 曼~~~
Hey hey, hope that Man will see this just in time. Not too early, not too late.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday TO ManMan,
Happy Birthday to you~~~
Happy birthday ya~~~ Sorry that I couldn't be there to celebrate and tell you happy birthday in person. Haha, hope that you will have a great and memorable birthday.
You're one of my best friend beside Mei whom I've known from form 1. Sitting beside you for like two years now, got me to know you really better. You are not the nerd kinda girl who sat alone in the corner like you did four years ago. You've many friends now and you really have everything that you've wanted coz you really have work hard for it.
Every time you're like very active or hyper, deep inside I know that you're really not happy. You just acted that way to show that you're strong. And you know what? You really are strong and you can rely on us whenever you want. Asking for help doesn't show that you're weak, it just show that you know what you're capable of.
I really wanted to teach you how to "relax" all this time. Really wanted to show my kind of world to you. Ya, you're right. The two of us are really different. But I like this differences. It's okay to show who you really are inside, no need to be afraid. You're still you~~~
I've learned and understand so many things from you and I think that, I mean I hope that this thing we have between us, this friendship thing could last a life time. Hah, am I too ambitious?
Anyway, Happy Birthday ya~~~
My life would be different without you.
One and Only: Leng Lui Shien
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fun FACTS about Me.
1.) I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PEACH. (⌒¬⌒*) Yup~~~ That's why my blog's add is 'peachyplush'. Haha~~~ My favourite fruit of course is 水蜜桃~~~ When I'm in any restaurant while looking at the menu, I'll go and see the drink menu first. And no matter what kind of Peach drink is there, I'll sure order it. Peach! Peach! Peach! ( And I heard that Japan there have the real Peach fruit, woo, how I would want to go to Japan to try it out.)
2.) I HATE chocolate. I mean seriously. I totally hate it! And they even say that Chocolate is a girl's best friend. That is a big fat porky lie! What? So I hate chocolate. So I'm not a girl huh? (#`ε´#) I got 'that thing'! Of course I'm a girl. Why I hate chocolate? Because when you eat Chocolate, you will feel that your mouth is getting very DRY. Now why would you want that? So people like having their throat dry up lar? Woo.... My brother even said that because I hate Chocolate, that's why I lack of 浪漫细胞. No lar, I'm very romantic de~~~
3.) I don't like people who BROKE OFF PROMISES. 讲话不算话. Close friends should know that my parents are divorced. And me and my brother live with my mother from small. And when I'm small, my mum was very busy with her work coz she need to feed me and my brother. And my mother sometimes would promise me something, like taking me to somewhere or buying things for me, then in the end, she couldn't do that thing she promise coz she was way to busy. And I grew up thinking that WORDS don't come easily. And if you cannot hold on to your promises, don't make any promises with me. I seriously hate it. I don't like people who give me promises and then they go on and break it off.
4.) I love hearing other people calling me SHIEN. (●´ω`●)ゞ Because it feels like that that person is like a family member to me or he/she is very close to me. I really love it~~~ Shien! Shien! Shien~~~
5.) I have always love MilkiS or CalpiS~ Yup, these two products are MILK add with SODA. It's real good. And I totally love it~~~ Milkis is a Korean brand and Calpis is Japan brand. Both actually taste kinda same, but their just manufactured by different country. Milkis! Calpis!
6.) I don't like ANIMALS. Yes, all of them. And I mean ALL! Cat, dog, snake, fish, horse, cow, goat, donkey... You name it. I'm really afraid of all of the animals. Hah, if I could have a pet, my ideal kind of pet is a ROCK! Yes, I would take care of a ROCK than an animal.
7.) Sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter. My favourite flavour will be salty. Yup, no matter what kind of food, I've always like the salty ones. Hey! Why there isn't any Sweets that are salty flavour? That would be nice~~~ 贤love咸!Hah~~~
8.) I actually love to cry. Ya, I wouldn't cry in front of my friends, but in front of the ones that I deeply love, I'm actually a 爱哭鬼. Like my mum always said to me, I a EMO (emotional) KID~~~ Yup, I admit that I am one. 我容易发飙, 但也容易开心满足~~~
9.) And this. I don't think that I should be saying this but... I don't like to bath actually... I always though that bathing is really a waste of time and waste of water. But hey, our country is so so hot, we need to bath in order to be clean and to nice smell all the time. If I could, I would not be bathing for a week.
10.) I don't like people who say double meaning word. Because my tiny little brain could not understand what they are saying. I mean I am smart and mature but sometimes I get the wrong meaning of other people's words. Serious. Let me give you an example of what it is and what I think.
I'm thinking:" Are you blaming(责怪) me that you could not sleep because I didn't smile at you? Just sleep lar, what's you problem? Why are you blaming me?"
I'm thinking:" Of course you must appreciate my BEAUTY lar, I'm not young all the time. I'm only young now. So what the hell are you talking about?"
-Can you get it now? I really misunderstand a lot of things.
That's ten for now. I'll get back to you another ten another time. ('-^*)/
Ghost HOUSE? NO WAY!!!
You don't understand me.
Feel like crying now. Because that's all I could do for you. CRY. I couldn't even say:" It's all right, everything will be just fine". I couldn't even say this to him at his hardest time. I couldn't even put my hand on his shoulder or hug him and tell him that I'll be there for him.
Damn, I miss you so so much. I'm sorry. This is our fight, and I let you fight on your own. Although I act like I don't care but I do. I really do. Especially times like this.
How could you grew so strong and yet all I could do is CRY? I feel bad for leaving you alone on your hardest time. I'm hurt seeing you get hurt.
Here I am saying it out and loud, I will stand by your side and fight with you till the end because you're important to me. Do you know it?
And now I'm asking myself, what else could I do for you beside cry?
You said that you've work very hard in the past and now you're still working word. And you said that you could even be better. Hmm... I'm really touched by your determination. And you're saying that this is like a challenge for you to grow strong. Do you know how much it hurts me seeing you say stuff like this? 別再逞強,別再倔強了...
p.s. There are some people that I don't really care but you are not one of them. You really don't know how much you mean to me.
There is always a rainbow after the rain passed by. And I'm waiting for that rainbow now.
I know that you will always smile and tell me you're all right, but actually it's not. Even superman get hurt sometimes, and when sad times like that, I'll stand by you.
I want to be the reason you smile.
Life is not fair and life is not always happy and smooth, but remember, you'll always have a warm heart beside you all the time. Don't forget that. I'm here. Always here. Always will be.
One and only: SHIEN.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Still NO pictures.(YET)
Yesterday(Tuesday, I guess), was my outing with Manami(my cousin). It was her birthday. After going to 1u, went back her house to play the "BioHazard" game. I think it's spell like this. Woo~~~ I like the Wii so so much. You could even make your own character out of it. I got back home by one something in the morning.
And this morning, I went out with mama to buy some clothes. I bought a few dress at a very low price. Ow~~~ (´0ノ`*) I'm proud of myself.
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel.
So true.
If you don't care about something,
you literally don't feel anything about it.
For the first time that my post is this short.
Going to tuition after writing this post.
Bye, everyone~~~
p.s. I must be going crazy coz I'm thinking of Mei like all the time even now in the holiday. I guess I miss her much. Haha~~~
p.s.s. Yes, I don't want to go out with YOU. Get it?
p.s.s.s. Haha, today is the 26th of August. Someone ask me what I want for my birthday today. Ummm, let's see. A box full of lollipops~~~ That would be nice~~~
BYE~~~ ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ
Monday, August 24, 2009
My HEAD is going to EXPLODE! (literally)
I mean , I'm very happy that my friends and family wants me to go out with them, I'm very pleased and honoured, but, my holiday... My holiday... My holiday!!!
Too MANY invitation, my brain is going to burst into tiny pieces and the leftover will be eaten by crows(burung gagak). EWWW... What am I talking about? See? See? See? This is because of seriously in need of resting time and making too many decisions, I've become just... CRAZY!!! ヽ((◎д◎ ))ゝ
I just want to stay in my lovely little house and sit on my sofa thinking "Whoo, what am I going to do next? This Holiday is so damn bored."
p.s. Today I have just spent my half whole day going out with my family members.
p.s.s. Mei called me today. And hah, I will think about your suggestion. (^∇^)
I want to go out with s4 folks, but I don't have enough money due to Man's celebration. So now, I'm sitting home. I just want to sleep in my bed all day. My pocket already got hole inside. That means I'm seriously announcing I'm in bankrupt state now. (´□`。)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Holiday comes at the RIGHT time
When I was waiting for my mama to come pick me up, I saw Man walking towards me. Then when she saw me, she began to run. Hmm? Is she running towards me? Or somebody else? I quickly stop eagerly waiting for her to do what she wants to do. She hugged me the moment she is in front of me. Hmm, ya, I kinda know what she's feeling down about. Man ar, everything is all right lar. It's really not your fault. You really did a great job~~~
My piano class was canceled today coz I was too tired to go for it. I really miss my piano and my teacher a lot.
p.s. Saw some news about my DongBAng oppas( Dong BAng Shin Ki), I don't really know what I'm feeling now. Ya, for the first time in my life, I don't know what I'm feeling now. And it's not even about a boy. Okay lar, it's about boys, but they are not technically MY BOYS. Haiz, don't know what to think.
p.s.s I don't even know what I'm feeling now and it certainly doesn't feel good.
If this is real,
then I don't believe in destiny or faith or life or whatever kind of bs.
If this will make me lose you,
then I'll go against the whole world.
I wonder if I could love you in a right way.
I just want to be left alone to stay blank.
Holiday came at a right time just for me to be in my own world.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hold On Tight!
This whole week, oh man, where do I start? This is really a very long week. Huu... Okay, this week... I've been missing my past so much. I mean, real. First, my ex boyfriend came back into my life. Then my ex best friend came back into the picture. Then all those friends or guys in my past came back to my life too. 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。Oh my...
All the feelings that I thought that passed came right back to me this freaking week. Ahh!!! Hah! But as my usual CALM side, I'm able to "not go crazy". ( ̄▽ ̄)=3I began to miss all those things that I have or I have lost so so much this week. Really.
When I went to sing k with HueyYi today, she told me a very shocking news, and it's really very shocking to me. She told me that a guy once I have like and we have been very good friends, she told me that he(that guy) had once like me too in the past but now he already have a girlfriend. What the? ∑(゚Д゚) Shit!
I have always stood by my decision all the time. And I don't even give a second thought after I have made a decision. I'm not saying that I'm regretting now, I'm just saying that I kinda miss them. Well, of course, when I turn back to look at the footsteps, I'm glad that I have made that choice. But I still can't help to think that "what if"?
Amanda, LiMin, Gary, OonKit, kh, WeiXuan, YenSen(and a few more), what if I said "Yes" at that time? Would we be together? Would we still be together? Would the story change? What if I have not made that decision?
I mean, I've been so stupid and blind in the past. I'm always letting go what's important to me. Ha. dumb right. I always don't know how much they mean to me until I lost them and it's all because of my choice. Hah, HEADSTRONG me. And now they have all leave me. Alone. Because I didn't appreciate them when I was 'having' them.
Anyway, I know that all these past feelings that's been coming back to me will go away real soon. I just want this post to be a memorable one. Hah, I STILL stand by my own decision. I'm not going to be trapped in the past once more, I'm only going to move forward. All these are real good memories to me.
p.s. Seeing s3 they all fight, I'm so grateful that me and ZhiYan did not end that way. I mean, we do quarrel, but we haven't reach the "I want to hit you in the face" that kind of quarrel. Hah, I'm really glad that our relationship is so much better than before. And I did apologize to him today. I'm mean I did did wrong. So I really do need to apologize at that point of time. Whoo... Words don't come easily ar. But everything is all right now. Hah, coz we're just one big FAMILY~ (*^▽^*)
p.s.s. TeckKiong was so MAN today when he was trying to broke off the fight. Whoo~~~ I like his courage and toughness so much. Hah~~~
p.s.s.s Got to celebrate Man's birthday today. Nah, her birthday is on 29th of August, we just celebrate earlier. The money I was going to use at
S4 folks, holiday already wor. Oh my... I'm going to miss you all so so much. Did you all have fun today in the class? We were like so out of control.
(Going to upload pics tomorrow).
My HOLIDAY~~~ Not looking back to the past anymore. But I'm glad that I've once have something special between you and me. I do miss you(you all) but it's really all past now. Letting go~~~ Moving ON now~~~
I'm not letting go anything that precious to me again. I'm not as dumb as I am in the past. 这次会抱得更紧~~~
Written by: One and Only ♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆ Shien
(Make peace with your past, so it won't mess up the future)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Add MATHs!!!
I like their school very much, the boys there are having so much fun. If I could , I would wear boy costume to enroll into that school. Hah, me as a boy, I think I would pull it of very well coz today when Khee is putting makeup on me, no matter what amount of makeup she put on me, my face still looks the same. I mean, Khee had brush an awful lots of things to my face, the powder on my face can compete with the walls of China, but you still can't see the make up on me. Oh man! Let me be a BOY instead. And when she put the fake eyelashes on me, it looks real good, and... And... And it fell of when we are going to go up on stage. Oh man... I'm really not cut in for makeup.
Well, today's highlight is "Add Maths Tuition". Hah! Clap for me. For the first time in my life, I actually know how to do it and I completely understand the formula. I was so happy with myself. Actually no lar, it's because I have good tuition teacher ma. In school, I have always hate add math coz it's all symbol, but now, I'm starting to like it. Really! Oh my~~~ I'm not that dumb after all. Haha~~~ Add Maths, lets be friends ya~~~
p.s. I know that I'm ugly and now I have found out that no amount of makeup could even help me become beautiful. Other girls still have a fair shot of being beautiful by putting on makeup but mine is totally none.
p.s.s. I'm born to learn Add Maths. ( Perasan)
I'll work hard this time.
(Make peace with your past, so it won't mess up the future)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A DaY of Seminar
It was fun and the four of us got to work as a group today. Got to know the three of them a lot better today. In the morning while I was preparing to go to school, I was thinking
It was really fun. We rode En.Hasif's Kancil by 7.30 and now I have just reached home from the seminar. Actually the whole seminar was full of talking and writing. And the food kinda sucks too. But hah, I had finish all my food coz that how I'm taught. (Perasan)
The break time was long. We got to chat a lot of things. Overall it was REAL fun~~~
Thank you boys for being so gentlemen to me the whole day and thank you for the jelly ya~~~
p.s. You- Don't worry, I'm straight. I do like guys. And here I am saying it loud and clear. I wouldn't like any other guys other than you. And I know it was my fault from long time ago and that I've hurt you much, but I still like you. Right next to you is where I need to be. All the memories of us are still so fresh to me, you singing to me through the phone, your little love letter, the necklace you gave me the day we broke off, the Will Pan's album you gave me as a present that you were saying that a song represent the two of us, watching you play football from aside. Can we give it a try once more? Why aren't you listening? Just stop and come back. I'm really sorry for what I did. I was a total ass. I didn't mean to break my relationship with you years back. Can I say I still like you? Is it a little too late now?
p.s.s. Thank you ya, Loong, ZhiYan and SoonYoong. Real happy today~~~ (*^-^)b
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Short? Shhh...
As you all know, I live on a
Stay there for like ten more minutes? Walk up the hill anyway hoping that the dog wouldn't see me? Hah! NEITHER! I walk back down the hill, then I walk around the bottom of the hill, then I took a staircase kind of small road up to my house. As it was a small road, while I was walking the crazy uneven steps, it feels so much like jungle trekking. Oh my... I'm not kidding. I'm not like Man that kind of active girl, I'm that kind that sleeps as long as I'm allowed to. When I went up the hills, I felt like I'm out of breath. Seriously, I need to exercise more.
Great news, I got home SAFE~~~ (^-^)/ (Proud of myself)
p.s. I still want to go to cut my hair short short. But I still can't find the right salon yet.
p.s.s I totally love PENGAWAS they all. I mean, they treat me real good. Thanks ya~~~ I love hanging out with them. CheeBon and ViYee is still with me in my group. Ah!!! I want my WAIKEN back! Evava! Give me back!!! He's MINE!!! WaiKen... My cute lil brother. Don't go to Evava group. Come back to me.
Monday, August 17, 2009
So SICK about it.
You know I gave you the world.
So why your love went away?
Though it was me and you until the end,
but guess I was wrong.
Don't wanna think about it.
Don't wanna talk about it.
I'm just so sick about it.
Just so confused about it.
Feeling the blues about it.
Tell me is this fair?
I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy.
What goes around comes around.
You really broke my heart this time, don't know how am I going to forgive you.
Don't be shock when I walk out of your life completely.
If this continue to happen, that day of me walking away will really come.
Thinking back and now here I am here thinking why am I so stupid.
I look at myself and ask why am I so stupid.
I won't do it anymore.
Why do I feel like such a coward now?
Leave Me ALONE. (Putting previous post into CONTEXT)
想回到过去 试着抱你在怀里
想看你的看的世界 想在你梦的画面
想回到过去 试着让故事继续
分散时间的注意 这次会抱得更紧
Someone from the past came back into my life yesterday, and I've been giving a lot of thinking about it. And... I mean, it's already too late to say that I'm sorry or I still like him now... But, what I want now, is to be LEAVE ALONE. I don't want to hear other people telling me that everything will be all right or asking me to go and find him back. I just want to wait for this feeling to past away.
To:That guy who came back into my life-You (You know who you are)
I'm gonna remember you.
You're gonna remember me.
I saw your news just yesterday.
And I feel that I must confess.
Even though it kills me to have to say,
I really miss you.
Though I know I shouldn't concerned.
In the back of my mind, I can't help but question.
I can't explain this feelings.
I think about it everyday.
And even though we've moved on.
It gets so hard to walk away.
Guess I gotta live my life from day to day.
Hoping maybe you'll come back.
And though I tell myself not to be afraid to move on but it seems I can't.
So how do I express my feelings?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
給祝福太多 不能覆盖我的痛
你要转身你要走 不再多作停留
分開是誰說沒什麽 最难的决定是放手
眼中的落寞 说的都是我的错
当你笑着挥挥手 你的沉默我懂
請別說愛我 推我向晴天
最溫暖的天空 卻換了季節
在絕望的面前 灑落一地心碎
就算是伤悲 我不想太狼狈
请别说爱我 别許下心愿
下一秒就出现 你给的纪念
风吹过了思念 曾有过的眷恋
Couldn't say anything more personal. This song is how I feel right now... Damn, I'm really going crazy now.
Bangsar Village Shopping Mall~~~

And this is my Lamb Shank and on the right is my all time favourite PEACH tea. I think this restaurant is called 'La Bodega'. Hah~~~ This restaurant is near the Bangsar village.
Today after the tuition for Bridget, me and mama and mama's friends went to Bangsar Village to buy grocery for next week. Wuwaaa~~~ The things that sell there have so many variable. There even have baby food that cost 10 something for one packet. Wa~~~ I'm impressed. But nevertheless, BAngsar Village is a very nice place. Go on there if you have the time.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
SLeep. Sleep. Sleep.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
A LONG ranting post about MY Latest
-Saw this article on the net today, oh my... SO TRUE! And it kinda hurts at well.
Huh, yup, so so so so TRUE! (-。-;) That's why. Even if I really like that guy, but there will be many factors that make me think that being friends is just good enough for me. Haiz...
-I do have feelings and you've hurt them deeply today. Guess that treating you so nice is totally a waste effort huh. Coz you're already like that way. Really wanted to cry at that moment, but hah, I can control my own tears this time.
-Someone walked me to tuition today. He was so gentlemen. And at that time, it was raining, I couldn't walk that fast and the both of us got no umbrella, so he put slow his footsteps just to walk with me. Haha, thanks ya. Touched~~~
-Yoyo, exciting news huh, I'll be cooking again tomorrow. Um, actually it's still the same old sandwiches that I'm going to make. KahLun, OonKit, Mei and XiaoYing had already put on the order of how many pieces that they want. Haha, thanks for the support of my sandwiches ar~~~
-Because of these three days of test with no duty, I really MISS pengawas they all very much.
-And of course, today's Physics. Oh my... No eye see... Waiting for the marks to come out then I will go and apologize to ZhiYan for being so rude that time.
-Man was so cute today. After school, I was eating with my friends to go into a meeting, then Man came by my table and said:" Shien ar, can you help me?" Of course I would. I stand up and follow her to her table. Then she sat down. Then Man pushed her box of rice( I think she brought from her house) in front of me and said to me:" Help me eat my vegetables." ( °д°) HuH? It was really funny with her there. Man's so so so so CUTE! Haha~~ Of course I ate all her veggies coz I love veggies very very much. Haha~~~ But Man ar, must eat vegetables ar, coz it's good for our body ar.
-Thank you XiaoYing for the KIMCHI that she brought for me today. WuWaaa~~~ So absolutely delicious! Oh my... I love it so much~~~ (Although it's very spicy (→o←)ゞ )
-For the thousand time! I DOn't love PINK all right. I mean, I don't like it and I don't hate it either. Although I have many things in pink, but that is just coincidence that I am using it. My favourite colour will be YELLOW and RED. Not freaking pink.
- Today YehHuan said that I have 公主病 when we are having the meeting. Um... Huh? HUH? WHAT THE HELL??? 公主病? 公主病? 公主病? Oh my, no lar. I don't have it all right. I am not a princess.
-Don't know why I really like going for tuition lately. I think it's because of Mei is there. It's fun to learn with her. Haha~~~ And I know that I can always trust her with my secrets. Fighting~~~ (´∀`)
-Hah, a group of guys ask me today:" Shien ar, I heard from my friend that you play DEVIL MAY CRY, really ar?" Yes, then their reaction would be:" You are a GIRL wor!!!" Ya, I'm a gril so what? A girl cannot play de meh? I'm totally into this game and Dante lately. Whooo Huuuuu~~~ Nice body ar that Dante( Davil May Cry's leading man). LOVE LOVE LOVE~
p.s. I really would want to go and do everything you all want to do. But I am ONE person, I can't be in two places in one time. I really wish I AM a superwomen. I want to sing, see movies, buy clothes, go ice-skating, go play water, but... I'm so sorry. I really am sorry. Going crazy... Too many invitation...
p.s.s. I really really like when my friends or family call me SHIEN. It feels very nice. SHIEN SHIEN SHIEN SHIEN SHIEN.
p.s.s.s. Sorry for boring you all with all these little details. Hah! And once again, I DON'T HAVE 公主病.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
p.s. There's always MAGIC in everything.
Monday, August 10, 2009
What Can YOU do?
Thank you all very much.
p.s. I love Dante(Devil May Cry's leading male) so much.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happiness is EASY~~~
Friday that time when I was 'duty'ing outside the boy's toilet, WenFei came over and say hello. I was so touched and happy at that time. He did a motion like when he's in a 'kawad' formation, after stopping in front of me, he said:" 'JieJie', Good Morning". Oh my... I totally melted at that scene. Awwww~~~ My cute little brother said good morning to me. Hah~ ≧(´▽`)≦
Khee hairstyle was very CUTE~~~ (〃∇〃) Really, it's not ugly at all. You do look really cute lar, don't worry. I like it very much.
YuanHao was very funny that day(Friday), I mean, no lar, I understand that you needed a person to talk to. Okay, I'll keep it a secret until the day I'm in my grave. Gambateh lar~~~
The bunch of Malay guys was very funny too. Although most of the time, I don't quite understand what are they talking about...
Saturday ar, pengawas's mp. It turn out pretty good. Hah~~ I was dead tired. After the mp, I rushed for my piano lesson. I'm so into my piano lately. I mean, every piano I'm crazy about. Haha~ Every time I see a piano, I just have the urge to play with it. Dinner, went to eat butter crab.
I was giving tuition to Bridget at her house today, After the tuition, I was waiting for my mother to come pick me up. Bridget and her lil sister( I think about 5 years old- Nicole) was playing with me. The both of them are laughing like crazy, and the stuff they're laughing about ain't something funny, they are just laughing for nothing. And actually I did not play with them, I just sat there and the both of them just keep on playing with me or with themselves. I mean, I kinda admired them for laughing for nothing. If I could be like them and to keep on laughing for no apparent reason, I will not run out of things to laugh about in my whole life. And I think that's kinda cool. Sometimes, when we grow up, we just forgot what simple 'FUN' is. Don't grow up too fast.
OH NO!!!
My BIKINI dream is flying away. The money I'm saving up for my birthday gift bikini is fading away day by day. Coz today I went on to buy XiaoYing's birthday cake today so that we could all celebrate tomorrow. And I didn't even collect money from my friends for it. Ahhh!!! My BIKINI!!!
p.s.Actually happiness is very easy indeed. Just learn to laugh like a children~
p.s.s. everything is CHICKEN to me. (≡^∇^≡)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Desperate? Me? NO WAY!
Hearing my friends breaking up with their boyfriends/girlfriends, I can't seem to stop myself from asking them why do they break up in such a short time? I mean, their standard answer is "No feelings". (((( ;°Д°)))) One week ago, they are like 'Oh, I can't live without this person, I love him/her so much', and after one week is like ' No feelings dy'.
Hah? What the? That means they are playing with other people feeling's lar. I mean, we are young and it is our time to enjoy and have fun but isn't this way too hurt for that person that you fall in love with one week ago? Huh?
Maybe I'm a traditional type of girl who thinks that a couple should be two person who like each other. I never believe in trying in a relationship to see if you will like that person in the future. This is just plain bullshit. If there is no chemistry in the beginning, come one lar, accept the fact, you won't like that person in a romantic kind of way in the future. Please don't play with other people's feelings.
Maybe it's because of my attitude, that's why I'm still single until now. Hearing Man and Mei's love story, I'm actually very jealous. The both of them actually have someone special in their mind and heart. I'll be cheering for the both of you ar~ Maybe just like what Eva said, I am really desperate nowadays. Haha, maybe. Maybe.
p.s Because of some matter, there is a massive delays to my Choir stuff. WTF? I really can't solve this problem. Maybe I would break down and cry now because of the pressure, but I sure wouldn't give up. Because I am a President!
p.s.s. How can I be with another boy? I want nobody, nobody but you. Right next to you is where I need to be.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ketua Kumpulan~~
After school today, Me YuWen Shameetha and Evon stayed in the pengawas room to practise our dance routine for the mp. It was so much fun. We were like laughing the whole time.
Cut my nails today. Well, actually it's no big deal coz I'm always cutting my nails. I don't like having long nails coz it would effect me when I'm playing the piano. I would always imagine what would it be like to grow long nails and having really cute manicure on it. I mean, I would really want to know how it feels since I haven't grow my nails long from childhood. I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, but I'm just curious. Haha. And because I'm always cutting my nails, it becomes a habit to me. That's why I always like to cut other people's nails for them. I mean, it does feel good cutting other peoples nails. (*^.^*) Haha~~~ Why do I sound like a total psycho?
p.s. Although I have gotten to know some pengawas a lot better, but I don't think that I'm having improvement with my s4s students. I mean, I'm always out of class doing my things, so I guess I miss out a lot. Huh... Miss the good old days... (x_x;) I really want to be in class more often but I couldn't. I want to just be with my friends, but duty calls.
I miss my time in s4. I'm totally into my piano and 'Devil May Cry'.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
StriKing to the HigHest point~~
p.s. I'm so into 'Devil May Cry' now. It's a game. Have you ever heard of it? I love it so much! It's so much fun to play~~~
p.s.s. Going to STRIVE from today onwards coz test is coming on next week. My physics bet with ZhiYan is still on ar~~~ FIGHTING!!! (゙ `-´)/
-I guess you are my lucky star.
But everyone wants you all to break up.
Well, if this real, then I don't believe in destiny.
I really don't know what to say.
People just want you to compromise with the world.
If that will make me lose you,
then I will go against the whole world.
Whatever they say, don't listen.
They're are only envious of you all.
Whatever they say, I don't care.
I love you.
I can't lose you, it's too hard.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Anonymous, letting you go.
There are always two side to both story. I surely didn't want to know your side from way back. Ya, maybe I was a coward after all. Knowing that if I was the one who royally messed up our relationship, I would be more knocked down by now. It's just to much to bear. No need to apologize. It's still okay to say these things till now. Thank you for letting me hear your piece of mind.
You have know me for quite a while now, you know how my personality is and you surely are more clever than me ten times. I think you sort of know what I want to do now. Ya, walking away is what I do best in. But this time... This time... I don't want to walk away anymore.
How can we stay friends when we don't even trust each other right now? How can we understand each other when we'll clamp up each time taking about each other? Most importantly, how can we find back the trust we once have between us? Is already broken, and I don't think it's an easy job to fix it back.
I won't say things like 'Oh, so, wanna be friends again?' The both of us are so over that age to pretend not to be friends or being friends. Truth be told right, I don't even know what I want right now. Being back friend is not as simple as it looks like. Sure, we can be back friends, but can we stay friends and maintain our relationship once more?
Maybe I was the one with the problem. Maybe I was the one with all the drama. Maybe I was the one who think too much. Maybe... And just maybe... I was the one who changed... I was the one who changed that much during all these time.
I am not a cold b*tch with no feelings, I do feel all right. And it's hard for me to say I still love you right now. But I do want the best for you.
Turn around and look carefully, see all those steps we took? All those steps that make us what we are today. It's still very clear to me. We have manage to live our life without each other so far, at first it was really heart breaking, but now, I don't think it's that bad after all. You have your own life, I have mine. There's no turning back now. I have chosen the steps I want, and deep inside I know you've already chosen too no matter what the choice is.
No need to act normal. You are normal. We are normal. Sorry I was so inconsiderate this whole time. All I ask for now, is to grow strong together. And maybe... Maybe... Our wounds will heal that way.
Hope that when people ask of me in front of you, you would say something like " Ya, I once know her, she's someone great". Not something like "Oh, ya, I know her, what a b*tch". Hah, I'm not making any sense right now huh? And I hope that you would think of me once in a while. And when you think of me, I hope that the things that you think of are good things.
Of course, I'll think of you too. All the connection and ties are still around. Going to the zoo together, rushing home after taking picture while your mother is waiting for us, coming to my house to make cookies, playing badminton, you choosing my clothes for me for my date, playing that scary game on my ps2, having fortune cookies, going to Mcd, celebrating Man's birthday, the both of us singing in a little k room, my birthday... I will. I really will cherish all of it.
You are really great. A great person. A great friend. But I don't think I want to do this anymore. I'm know that I'm the one with all these problem. I have changed and I don't really want to try anymore. I was your shoulder to cry on when times get bad, your shoulder sure are mine once. But now, I think I have another shoulder to lend and to lean on to now.
I know your point, you saying that you didn't make a choice, sorry I made it sounded so bad. It's all past and history. Let's move on. The both of us. Letting go is what I can give you right now. And letting go is what I want to do right now.
p.s. This is MY blog. I wouldn't be lying on my own blog.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
EVERYONE!!! SuMMer's finally Here~~~
You wanna hear it?
The crashing waves and the cool cool breeze.
I send these things as a gift to you.
I hope you'll like what's in there.
under the sun.
AUGUST SKY~~~ о(ж>▽<)y ☆
I stretch out my hands out to the high clear sky.
As the sunlight shines on my whole body.
My chest is pounding with excitement.
As I have an unforgettable summer.
Because you are here with me.
I push aside my pain and hurt.
And face tomorrow only holding onto freedom.
Because the sun is above us right now shining endlessly.
This summer isn't going to end til eternity.
Believe me.
It'll all come back.
Every thing's all right.
We can do anything.
Reaching out to the hot world.
This dream is to help us to take a step forward with a strong heart.
Just once, on a day like today.
I'll give in my all and open the door.
Looking up at the sky.
Looking down on the ocean.
I'll soar through it and laugh it out.
If I'm with you, every thing's all right.
Let's head towards the endless clear sky.
Just came back home from the krs's mp. Well, I did go and sing eventually. Me and Khee actually did a Great job. CHEERS ya, Khee~~~ Clap for me. I finally conquer my own 'wall'.
And of course to Khee, I have a great time performing with you today. Although I was so nervous, I did wrong at some place, but overall it was DAMN GOOD! I miss you so much now~~~
I was thinking about cutting my hair short short to go with the SUMMER theme, but I deiced not to.
Then to the ZOO, of course.
Big thanks to Eva and MEi and Khee. I'm strong because of the three of you.
A big KISS is flying to the three of you.
Make sure you capture it well ar~~~
MUAKSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! (^з^)-☆Chu!!
p.p.s I'm not scare of you now. Hah! BRING IT ON! I'll take everything with my head held up high~~~ Of course not without all of you all's support lar~~~
p.p.s. Um, I'm kinda worried about YonagHuai and Loon now. Are the both of you all right?
Today, I have known that not everything in life is always going to turn out what I want, sometimes life just completely SUCKS! But I'm not affraid of that time. I mean, I'm not afraid anymore. Coz I know that I sure have my best friends always willing to pull me up after I fall down. Life's actually pretty DAMN GOOD~~~ I love my beautiful ordinary LIFE~~~

(Help (*´Д`)=з)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
This is for How Jia Mei~~~
This morning, I sms and told Mei about how scared I am about tomorrow's performance. Ya, I'm damn scared! Heck, I'm even very SCARE right now. Okay, first of all, I'm not scare of the audiences that will be there tomorrow. I'm actually scare of Amanda and another guy. I'm scare that I'll sing badly in front the both of them.
It's not that I don't want to do this performance, it's just that I don't have the courage to do it. A lot had happen between me and Amanda, and to know better, go on to "A little too late-1st of July" post. I had explained everything there. Mei instantly sms me back" 'JiaYou' lar, I'll be cheering for you. No need to be affraid of the both of them". I CRIED seeing this sms. I was like sitting in Coffee Bean having breakfast with my mother, and the next moment, I'm hugging my hand phone crying like a mad girl. The family on the next table probably thought that I'm crazy.
I was so touched seeing this message. Although it's very simple, but I could really feel Mei's good intention towards me. I was always so careful when I'm around Mei. I'll be watching what I said, what I do, every step I take, coz I was so afraid that Mei will walk out of my life just like what Amanda do. I'm even hurt saying this now. I'll be so careful so that the history won't happen again to me. I don't want to lose another best friend again. But this time, it's like Mei is saying "No need to worry, I'll not be going anywhere".
For MyMei (*^ー^)ノ
"I got to 'hola' about my Mei, full amazing. Let's see, where should I begin? I was really touched seeing your message. Huh, I know now you'll be thinking 'Aiyoo, don't cry again lar'. Hah, sorry ya, I couldn't control my own tears. Sorry for hurting you so much last year during that Amanda incident. I really hate myself back then. It's like I'm so damn stupid. You're always saying that I've been giving so much to you, and you couldn't even repay me. Actually it's Mei who have been giving so much, so much to me. You were always there when I was weak. I had gone through so much, and during that time, you pretended nothing was wrong and was cheering for me all the time. Friendship don't come easily.
Even though there will be time when I don't even have the mood to speak to you, but I still want to be by your side at that time. Nah, I want to be with you all the time. You really make my life shine. I want to be your strength just like you are to me all the time. Together we stand, I'll be by your side. With you by my side, I'll fight and defend. I'm here for you~~~ I can grow strong with you by my side.
Never going to let you go we are both so deep in this. Not a second I regret, gonna cherish all of it. I'll never ever hurt you. Without you, there's no life in me. This love got me proud to show it. Ain't no doubt, I'll keep on holding. And it's on till forevermore, well, on and on, you know we have each other back.
If you look carefully, you can see that the two of us are wearing the same clothes.
I'm so scare that this will all disappear in a blink an eye. You're important to me. Love, love my Mei, always have, always will."
p.s. I am big sister (haha, because my birthday is earlier than yours), that's why I'll protect you.
p.p.s Tomorrow will be all right right?
Wanna go to the ZOO with me?