See this? I was already awake on Friday on this time to cook the sandwiches.
ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ
p.s. Evava, cheer up, the important thing isn't about winning but making a difference. I'm sure that you have work harder this time, so isn't that something different dy? Don't be so hard on yourself. I sucks in add maths too if my brother didn't teach me something on it. Let's learn Add Maths together, and together we will fight through it ya~~~ Of course with the help of TeckKiong, he can teach the both of us~~~ Okay? (*^▽^*)
p.s.s. Sorry ya MEi. I totally forget about your sandwich. Monday, Monday I'll bring something more delicious for you. I swear.
p.s.s.s Sorry ya Khee, you didn't buy any clothes yesterday. Holiday, holiday lar. Let's get together again.
And again, although my sandwiches sucks and taste weird (tenacity me) but I still like the challenge of making it. Today it's the first day of me resting in this whole week. My piano lesson is canceled coz transportation problem.
Wishing you all an equally lazy weekend! \(^_^)/
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