The pictures are bigger than the normal size because I want to emphasize on something. Hah~~~ (^∇^)

This is a random picture I pulled out from the net. Wuu~~~ I like this staircase so much. Very creative ar~~~

And this is my Lamb Shank and on the right is my all time favourite PEACH tea. I think this restaurant is called 'La Bodega'. Hah~~~ This restaurant is near the Bangsar village.
Today after the tuition for Bridget, me and mama and mama's friends went to Bangsar Village to buy grocery for next week. Wuwaaa~~~ The things that sell there have so many variable. There even have baby food that cost 10 something for one packet. Wa~~~ I'm impressed. But nevertheless, BAngsar Village is a very nice place. Go on there if you have the time.

p.s. And lately, I found out that there are some people in your life that you don't need to waste your effort or time on them coz no matter what, they will not appreciate you. Really want to ask these people to go f themselves. Sorry, it's my problem. No need to pay attention to them anymore. Hah! Problem SOLVED~~~
p.s.s. I really LOVE Bangsar Village Shopping Mall very much!
p.s.s.s Forever, forever, you'll stay in my heart. And I will love you.
We are not held back by love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.
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