Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fun FACTS about Me.

Don't know why after coming home from tuition, I just want to do a list of ME things. You know, just for fun. Let's start ya. (^-^)/ (It will be very long, and it's kinda boring too. Scroll away if you're not interested).

1.) I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PEACH. (⌒¬⌒*) Yup~~~ That's why my blog's add is 'peachyplush'. Haha~~~ My favourite fruit of course is 水蜜桃~~~ When I'm in any restaurant while looking at the menu, I'll go and see the drink menu first. And no matter what kind of Peach drink is there, I'll sure order it. Peach! Peach! Peach! ( And I heard that Japan there have the real Peach fruit, woo, how I would want to go to Japan to try it out.)

2.) I HATE chocolate. I mean seriously. I totally hate it! And they even say that Chocolate is a girl's best friend. That is a big fat porky lie! What? So I hate chocolate. So I'm not a girl huh? (#`ε´#) I got 'that thing'! Of course I'm a girl. Why I hate chocolate? Because when you eat Chocolate, you will feel that your mouth is getting very DRY. Now why would you want that? So people like having their throat dry up lar? Woo.... My brother even said that because I hate Chocolate, that's why I lack of 浪漫细胞. No lar, I'm very romantic de~~~

3.) I don't like people who BROKE OFF PROMISES. 讲话不算话. Close friends should know that my parents are divorced. And me and my brother live with my mother from small. And when I'm small, my mum was very busy with her work coz she need to feed me and my brother. And my mother sometimes would promise me something, like taking me to somewhere or buying things for me, then in the end, she couldn't do that thing she promise coz she was way to busy. And I grew up thinking that WORDS don't come easily. And if you cannot hold on to your promises, don't make any promises with me. I seriously hate it. I don't like people who give me promises and then they go on and break it off.

4.) I love hearing other people calling me SHIEN. (●´ω`●)ゞ Because it feels like that that person is like a family member to me or he/she is very close to me. I really love it~~~ Shien! Shien! Shien~~~

5.) I have always love MilkiS or CalpiS~ Yup, these two products are MILK add with SODA. It's real good. And I totally love it~~~ Milkis is a Korean brand and Calpis is Japan brand. Both actually taste kinda same, but their just manufactured by different country. Milkis! Calpis!

6.) I don't like ANIMALS. Yes, all of them. And I mean ALL! Cat, dog, snake, fish, horse, cow, goat, donkey... You name it. I'm really afraid of all of the animals. Hah, if I could have a pet, my ideal kind of pet is a ROCK! Yes, I would take care of a ROCK than an animal.

7.) Sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter. My favourite flavour will be salty. Yup, no matter what kind of food, I've always like the salty ones. Hey! Why there isn't any Sweets that are salty flavour? That would be nice~~~ 贤love咸!Hah~~~

8.) I actually love to cry. Ya, I wouldn't cry in front of my friends, but in front of the ones that I deeply love, I'm actually a 爱哭鬼. Like my mum always said to me, I a EMO (emotional) KID~~~ Yup, I admit that I am one. 我容易发飙, 但也容易开心满足~~~

9.) And this. I don't think that I should be saying this but... I don't like to bath actually... I always though that bathing is really a waste of time and waste of water. But hey, our country is so so hot, we need to bath in order to be clean and to nice smell all the time. If I could, I would not be bathing for a week.

10.) I don't like people who say double meaning word. Because my tiny little brain could not understand what they are saying. I mean I am smart and mature but sometimes I get the wrong meaning of other people's words. Serious. Let me give you an example of what it is and what I think.
I'm thinking:" Are you blaming(责怪) me that you could not sleep because I didn't smile at you? Just sleep lar, what's you problem? Why are you blaming me?"
I'm thinking:" Of course you must appreciate my BEAUTY lar, I'm not young all the time. I'm only young now. So what the hell are you talking about?"
-Can you get it now? I really misunderstand a lot of things.

That's ten for now. I'll get back to you another ten another time. ('-^*)/

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