First thing first, went to school. Today is my turn to Gate Duty. When I reached school, I couldn't find the Buku Rekod Lewat. Shit! Some crazy people took it and had not return it back to us pengawas. CRAZY THING! Who's that person? Why are you so free to play such lame game with me? Are you FREAKING KIDDING me? Why is this happening to my day of gate duty? The book record the whole Chong Hwa student late record. I'm so dead...
If I find that freaking person that took that book and keep it from me, there are some things I'm going to do to that guy/girl...
- I'm going to go his/her HOUSE at night.
- I'm going to CHOP OFF his/her legs.
- I'm going to set his/her house ON FIRE.
- Lastly, I'm going to stand outside the house and WATCH him/her DRAG his/her body out without his/her legs from the house.
Wahahahaha~~~ Oh my.. I'm so sadistic... I'm really going to kill that person who took that BUKU REKOD LEWAT. Luckily Man, Eva and Yvonne was with me the whole process, if they are not there, I think I'm going to break down and cry... Thanks ya~~~
After gate duty, went to pusat kegiatan to see some persembahan. It was funny~~~ After that, me and Man stayed in the pegawas room to wait for Mr.Keng's class to past. The two of us talked about many crazy thing. After twenty minutes or more, the two of us went back to class. When I reached my class, HuiXin came and took me to see Pn.Linet. YES!!! We can officially now open the singing competition after asking permission from Pn.Linet. Oh my~~~ Waiting for it~~~
After recess time, it was the anti-dadah campaign. Me and Eva got to eat first. But as you all know, my mouth is not that big, everyone was like keep asking me to hurry up... Sorry lor, I have a small throat ma... After that, Geetha said that her purse is gone. Us pengawas had held a spot check the whole school. It was tiring...
Finally time to go home~~~ Conclusion, I didn't spend any time in class today. It's so hectic~~~ Good day everyone~~~
Tim- was so gentlemen today, we were waiting for the bus to go home today, and the sun was freaking hot, Tim used his own hands to cover my head. He said that his hands are big enough... Crazy guy... And then he asked me to go to German, I said no coz all the Germans will be like taller than me one head. Then he laughed and said that 'Ya, and then we are going to bully you.' Then he laughed. What the? And he said it in not a funny kind of way but evil kind of way. It was definitely a MWA ha ha evil laugh, and not the haha kind. Tim is going back tomorrow, what should we do? I'm sure going to miss him. TIM! I'll MISS YOU!!! Can you hear me? Haha~~~
Man- really happy that you told me all those things today, maybe to you it doesn't mean anything, but it does means that I mean something to you, that's why you'll tell me those things. Well, maybe I'm thinking too much~~~ Thank you for supporting me the whole way today~~~ I really need it~~~ Thanks ya~~~ Muaksssssssssss~~~~
Eva- I really like spending time with you. You make me feel relax whenever I'm with you. Gambateh~~~
Last shout out of the day- I really like pengawas! I like all of the pengawas! I like you all more and more day by day~~~ I Love you guys! And I'm proud to be one of you. Really hope you all can feel it too~~~ Don't know why I feel so mushy mushy with the all the pengawas today? Maybe I had to have my head to check up... Don't know what's wrong with my own self, just know that I really like pengawas more and more nowadays~~~ Crazy me...
p.s. I went to MayZhee's blog today. Actually I don't know her, but I think she's very pretty. And I saw some shocking thing, her blog has 21000 readers. Oh my... I wish I had that much readers too... Haha, keep on dreaming ya~
Proud of your LOVE!