Ah, went to school. We had not study for the whole day. Our class are like chatting and singing the whole time. It was fun. We were playing some games too. And my hand got swollen beaten by them. Man did not came today too. Heard that s4 students are going to ice-skating this Monday. Still hesitating should I go too. No more money dy after today's outing. After school. I went for meeting with my choir members, and again I had to postpone the singing competition to a little bit more further. Aish sey... After the meeting, Jo came to meet me from Puteri Titiwangsa. We went to Klcc after that. Went to eat Mc, and we certainly went for a walk there. The main point is that I got to see that '17 again' show again. Ah hahahaha~~~ Today was fun and tired~~~
Excuse me!!! SHOUT OUT below!!!
Mei- You seem quiet today, what happen? Going to sms you later. Muaksss~~~
Man- Aish, hope that you will recover fully, hope to see you again at school soon enough. Get well soon~~~
MeiKuan & HouXuan- I want my first organize singing competition to be successful, I could not have done it by myself, thanks to MeiKuan and my vice president. The two of you had been so supportive from the first day when I said that I want to do a singing competition. Thanks ya, the two of you are more than a president could ask for. I really love you guys~~~
Pengawas Kumpulan 3 ahli- I'm not mad at you all today. It's okay. I know that you all are hungry but please listen to me the next time okay? I'm not mad, I just want to get to know the 4 of you better. I want to be a good leader. Please believe in me to lead the 4 of you~~~ Love ya~~~
Other senior pengawas- Don't do that to me again lar, don't hide my water bottle again. I had to play that game with you all everyday. But I couldn't find my bottle today, I didn't get to drink anything except from Khee there. So bad, don't play with me again lar... You guys are senior ar...
WeiLoon- Saw you at bus stop today. I was with Jo Ann. Can you recognize her? I wanted to say goodbye to you but you didn't even look at me after you went on the bus. Aish... I can say it now~~~ Bye Bye!!!! See you on Tuesday ya~~~
ZhiYan- Crazy guy! Just come on your birthday okay? I don't want to waste other's people effort, so please, please just come. It will be fun, really. I promise you.
Wincent- Yes, yes, yes, I will go to the gathering. I know it means a lot to you. And I will be more serious from today onwards. Okay, I don't know if I can do it or not? Please believe in me too~~~
s4 students- I think we all got to know each other a lot more better today, right? Or am I thinking too much? Who said that I want to spent my birthday with ANIMALS? I just said that I want to go to the zoo during my birthday!!! Ahhh!!!!! Always bully me, I'm not a child lar... Or am I? Come on, come join choir club lar~~~ I love 4S4!!!
YinYing- You asked me today why do I have so much meeting, haha, I myself also don't know. Next time let's eat together again. Don't forget you put my aeroplane yesterday, you must go to the zoo with me. Haha~~~
Khee- How can I forget about you, you're one of my sister too. Thank you for letting me drinking your water today. Although I had drank almost most of your water, you're still not mad at me. Thanks ya, sorry that I couldn't go to sing k with you although you invite me too. Next time lar, I pinkie promise you~~~
PuahKahLun- "Shien, your face is very big ar, I just want to pinch it!" What the? Oh my, my face is not big okay? It's not small too... Ar... I want a smaller face... I should cut the meat from my face and paste them at some place that needs meat, um like the 'br#@st' area. Wahahaha~~~
CheeFeng- Sorry that I didn't go to sing k with you today to celebrate your birthday. Really sorry ar, it just seems like I'm always putting your aeroplane. Sorry ya~~~ Next time lar~~~
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to CheeFeng,
Happy birthday to YOU~~~
Mama- thanks for sending me and Jo home. I love you~~~
Jo- Last of all, for you. Thank you for going out with me. The two of us are like so crazy the whole time. People looks at us as if we were mental patients. We were laughing so loud. I mean, it was me that laugh that loud. Haha, sorry ya~~~ Very touched when you said that "I will go to the zoo with you, coz I'm your big sister, I can take you there." UWhh~~~ So touched! Haha, finally someone who want to go to zoo with me~~~ I will start to notice my 'brother-in-law' in school from today onwards. You had grown a lot more taller than me now, I mean that you are always taller than me. Feel so small... Really thank you very much and I love you much~~~ Muaksss~~~ Must be happy ar~~~
p.s. The love that you all give me that's too much is not even enough for me. I know it's really selfish for me said like that, but it's the truth, I love you all so much that I want even more love for you all. Too much is not even enough~~~ Thank you for always taking care of me. And once again SORRY for those that I couldn't go out with today(CheeFeng & Khee). Smile lots~~~

ShieN really love you guys.
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