Actually I just got through half of today... Woke up today feeling very sick... Mama asked me do I want to go to school today, I said yes coz I though that I was healthy enough. When I got to the school, my coughing had become worse. I'm even coughing to the people that I'm talking to. Then Man and me got so scared that I'm infected with that HiNi virus, I quickly phoned mama to pick me up to check with the doctor. Oh my... I'm so damned scared waiting in the clinic...
And the doctor results is:
- My coughing is caused by the durian I ate at Saturday.
- My sore throat is caused by excessive singing.
- My flu is caused by the cold environment in the singing room and SushiKing.
- My fever is caused by my sore throat.
Actually I'm not feeling well since Sunday. But that day all this sickness are just minor symptoms. But now... My condition actually got worse after Monday... Haha~~~ The doctor said that I should be taking care of myself and should not be going out on the last two day(Monday)... But hey, I did enjoyed myself on the outing during Monday~ And the doctor asked me do I want mc for tomorrow, I quickly said no coz I want to go back to school. Ah.... The doctor also said that I should rest My Voice for one week. That means no singing for the whole week. What the? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Singing No Life!
After seeing the doctor, mama treated me the very nice and delicious coffee bean breakfast. When we came back home, me and mama blew out the candles for her belated birthday~~~

After mama blew out the candles, she went back to work and now I'm all alone in my house. As usual.
Freaking UNBELIEVABLE that my sickness is caused by the crazy durian and excessive singing. And freaking UNBELIEVABLE that I can't sing for ONE WHOLE WEEK. I want to go back to school tomorrow. There's no way I'm staying home. Mama said that I'm very stubborn, maybe, maybe. Haha~~~ Ayeee~~~~ Wong Li Shien is very healthy de~~~~ I need to take care of myself more often from now on~~~ Fighting~~~ School, here I come!
Popping MEDICINE down my throat. Ugh...
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