Monday, June 29, 2009



First thing first, went to school. Today is my turn to Gate Duty. When I reached school, I couldn't find the Buku Rekod Lewat. Shit! Some crazy people took it and had not return it back to us pengawas. CRAZY THING! Who's that person? Why are you so free to play such lame game with me? Are you FREAKING KIDDING me? Why is this happening to my day of gate duty? The book record the whole Chong Hwa student late record. I'm so dead...

If I find that freaking person that took that book and keep it from me, there are some things I'm going to do to that guy/girl...
  1. I'm going to go his/her HOUSE at night.
  2. I'm going to CHOP OFF his/her legs.
  3. I'm going to set his/her house ON FIRE.
  4. Lastly, I'm going to stand outside the house and WATCH him/her DRAG his/her body out without his/her legs from the house.

Wahahahaha~~~ Oh my.. I'm so sadistic... I'm really going to kill that person who took that BUKU REKOD LEWAT. Luckily Man, Eva and Yvonne was with me the whole process, if they are not there, I think I'm going to break down and cry... Thanks ya~~~

After gate duty, went to pusat kegiatan to see some persembahan. It was funny~~~ After that, me and Man stayed in the pegawas room to wait for Mr.Keng's class to past. The two of us talked about many crazy thing. After twenty minutes or more, the two of us went back to class. When I reached my class, HuiXin came and took me to see Pn.Linet. YES!!! We can officially now open the singing competition after asking permission from Pn.Linet. Oh my~~~ Waiting for it~~~

After recess time, it was the anti-dadah campaign. Me and Eva got to eat first. But as you all know, my mouth is not that big, everyone was like keep asking me to hurry up... Sorry lor, I have a small throat ma... After that, Geetha said that her purse is gone. Us pengawas had held a spot check the whole school. It was tiring...

Finally time to go home~~~ Conclusion, I didn't spend any time in class today. It's so hectic~~~ Good day everyone~~~

Tim- was so gentlemen today, we were waiting for the bus to go home today, and the sun was freaking hot, Tim used his own hands to cover my head. He said that his hands are big enough... Crazy guy... And then he asked me to go to German, I said no coz all the Germans will be like taller than me one head. Then he laughed and said that 'Ya, and then we are going to bully you.' Then he laughed. What the? And he said it in not a funny kind of way but evil kind of way. It was definitely a MWA ha ha evil laugh, and not the haha kind. Tim is going back tomorrow, what should we do? I'm sure going to miss him. TIM! I'll MISS YOU!!! Can you hear me? Haha~~~

Man- really happy that you told me all those things today, maybe to you it doesn't mean anything, but it does means that I mean something to you, that's why you'll tell me those things. Well, maybe I'm thinking too much~~~ Thank you for supporting me the whole way today~~~ I really need it~~~ Thanks ya~~~ Muaksssssssssss~~~~

Eva- I really like spending time with you. You make me feel relax whenever I'm with you. Gambateh~~~

Last shout out of the day- I really like pengawas! I like all of the pengawas! I like you all more and more day by day~~~ I Love you guys! And I'm proud to be one of you. Really hope you all can feel it too~~~ Don't know why I feel so mushy mushy with the all the pengawas today? Maybe I had to have my head to check up... Don't know what's wrong with my own self, just know that I really like pengawas more and more nowadays~~~ Crazy me...

p.s. I went to MayZhee's blog today. Actually I don't know her, but I think she's very pretty. And I saw some shocking thing, her blog has 21000 readers. Oh my... I wish I had that much readers too... Haha, keep on dreaming ya~

Proud of your LOVE!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My VoiCe......


Argh... Woke up at eleven something, after 'lepak'ing in the house, went to lrt station... Sat from Taman Melati to Taman Bahagia. After reached there, Aunty Pam came pick me up. Yup, today I'm giving tuition again to sweet little Bridget~~~ It was fun and cool. Aish, came back home at five something. Went to eat dinner with koko, papa, WenLi jiejie and Aunty Frans(papa's girlfriend). We ate McDonald's. Ayee~~~ Long time no eat dy.

Just now went To Evava blog, saw her recent article. Felt sorry for her. I really do. And I kinda feel angry nowadays too. Coz don't know why all the s4 students are acting crazy lately. You all kept saying the two of us are together, it doesn't mean that the two of us will really be together... Shit... Why am I like that... Sorry... I apologize... I know you all care for me, but I really feel like I'm suffocating right now...

My voice isn't getting any better from the last time I'm sick... Instead of getting angry... I'm getting more and more FRUSTRATE everyday! Ugh... Where is my voice? What's wrong? Although I can speak in my normal tone now... I still can't sing... Shit... What's happening??? My own sky is falling down on me... Are you kidding me? Every night I prayed, with no prove anyone could hear... I want to sing again... My voice...

Evava- cheer up! I'll always be here for you~~~ Sometimes, some friends can just suck... But what you've lost wouldn't be more than what's in your hand right now~ I'll be cheering for you gal~~~ Rock on!

Man- have you got the phone number yet? Waiting for your good news~~~ I'll be cheering for you too~~~ Always~~~ Love ya~~~ My best friend~~~

p.s. I really need some comforting...
Must remember to buy a story book for Bridget~

Please... I'm breaking down now...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Saturday ya~~~
Today is report card day... Aish... I want to sleep late in a beautiful Saturday morning... Woke up at six something, after getting ready, went to school. Went for duty coz Pn.Yap said that us pengawas should lead the road for those parents who doesn't know where is their children's class. There are a few parents that I show the way to them, I'm so like a promoter. Owhhh~~~ If I'm a promoter, I think I'll be a cute one too. Right? Right? RIGHT? Wahahaha!!!! Okay, joking only lar. But only a few of us are there 'duty'ing, I remember the most is that me and Yvonne and Eva, the three of us went around the whole school. Really glad, coz I got to know Yvonne better today and a few other pengawas more. I asked mama to come and take the report card at ten something coz I though I need to duty. At nine, I got so bored, I went back to class. Then I went to the canteen to spend my precious time.

In the canteen:(sat with...)
  • First round- Mei & TeckKiong & Eva(maybe coz she's beside me but with her own friends).
  • Second round- Mei & TeckKiong & Amanda & WaiKen.
  • Last round- TeckKiong, WaiKen, YetFeng, AhMak, WeiYao & JiaDing.

I went there with Mei and TeckKiong first, then all those friends came and sat with us. Haha, thanks ya~~~

Finally ten something, I went back to class to wait for mama to take my report card. Mama came and took it. Then we went for breakfast. And now I'm here. Going to sleep afterwards.

Oh my, I heard something about me today. Oh my... I don't even know you well, and yet you are talking about me... What the? Stop gossiping about me already...

SHOUT out~~~

  1. Mei- thanks for the hugs ya~~~ Love ya very much~~~ Long time we had not sat in the canteen eating and chatting like today. I really miss it, of course I miss you more~~~ Muakssss~~~
  2. TeckKiong- thank you to you too~~~ Haha, you had gotten your report card dy, but you still wait for me to go home first. THANK YOU VERY MUCH~~~ You're my best friend~
  3. XiaoYing- Ayee, what are you running away for? Have more confidence, coz I have it in you. Fighting~~~
  4. WeiXuan- you had ask me to think about it and now I'm really thinking hard about it. Thank you for letting me to have the time to make this decision~
  5. Papa- Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to papa, happy birthday to you! Whooo~~~ HAppy birthday ya~~~

p.s. Someone told me that Michael Jackson past away last day. Oh my... What is happening? I want to go and see his concert de, but now... Oh why? I'll sure miss him. So, dear blogger, what are you still waiting for? Life short, live the life you have always wanted! Fighting~~~

Forever in my heart.

Friday, June 26, 2009

AlwaYs LuCKy~

Thursday first~
Went to school as usual. Haha, I got more better today. Went for tuition. Went to Klcc to see that crazy 'Transformers 2' with mama. Can't remember anything more about yesterday, so let's just skip about Thursday.

Yaya, today o~~~
Happy Friday as usual. After the pelantikan, I stayed in the pengawas room with Eva. Then Man and XiaoYing came into the room too, so the three of us end up staying in the room until recess. Oh my, it's call 'ponteng' right? Well, I don't want to study Bio too, so why not? After recess, went back to class. Man is having a meeting, Khee, YinYing and XiaoYing came and 'teman' me for the whole to Moral lesson. The last two lesson was Chemistry. It was so hectic. Oh my.. I don't even know what is happening? I just know that Pn. Maggis called my name many times. And there was this one time, Pn. Maggis asked the whole class to stand up coz we all looked very tired, I felt bad for her coz no one in our class is standing up, so I suggest to Man (beside me), KahLun and OonKit(in front of me) that the four of us stand up to show that we are good students and that we are listening to the teacher. The three of them agreed, so on one, two, three. The four of us stood up but we quickly sat back down coz no one in the class in standing up with us and Pn. Maggis looks like she's saying "What the?". It was so funny that time. Many people may think that the four of us are crazy. Haha~~~ Fun. All of the sudden, YongHuai came over from his place to touch my chin. What the? What happen? Then he keep on laughing. Okay... Crazy guy... After school, went for choir. Uwh~~~~ I like how all of our voices are bond together. After that, I stayed back a little to open a little meeting about the singing competition. After that, ohw, I'm so good today. I didn't went anywhere today and I went straight home after my koku activities. Haha~~~ And now here I am.

Why is everybody misunderstanding? I'm not lying to anyone. Please don't push me. I just like being in my own world. I don't need to tell the whole world what I'm thinking right? WALK AWAY! Am I really that bad? I'm afraid that I'll hurt anyone that's around me. No, I won't make this decision! Leave me alone!

Shout out again!
Khee- felt kinda of sad coz we couldn't go to sing today, yer.... Next time ba~~~

XiaoYing- Ah~~~ Hahahaha, I asked you to bet with me if it rains today, you will tell him that you like him, haha, and it rain. Oh my... I'm so lucky~~~ And when I'm waiting for the bus to go home, I just sat at the bus stop for not more than 2 minutes, a bus to my house came. Ayee~~~ Lucky~~~ Thanks ya, I mean, God~~~ Always lucky~~~ Go tell him lar~ What are you waiting for?

Loong- maybe is just that I'm thinking too much, but I really feel that you had something on your mind lately. Maybe I'm crazy but I really felt it when Loong is around me. What happen? You okay? Okay, I wouldn't ask what had happen to Loong, just want to let Loong know that I care about you, kay?友情是一种力量存在世界各地,却不是每个人都懂得珍惜~生活总会出现一些对比,别再灰心了!加油,我的肩膀借给你~~~ Gambateh nei~~~~~~

MyJung, I need you more than ever now.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Actually I just got through half of today... Woke up today feeling very sick... Mama asked me do I want to go to school today, I said yes coz I though that I was healthy enough. When I got to the school, my coughing had become worse. I'm even coughing to the people that I'm talking to. Then Man and me got so scared that I'm infected with that HiNi virus, I quickly phoned mama to pick me up to check with the doctor. Oh my... I'm so damned scared waiting in the clinic...

And the doctor results is:
  • My coughing is caused by the durian I ate at Saturday.
  • My sore throat is caused by excessive singing.
  • My flu is caused by the cold environment in the singing room and SushiKing.
  • My fever is caused by my sore throat.

Actually I'm not feeling well since Sunday. But that day all this sickness are just minor symptoms. But now... My condition actually got worse after Monday... Haha~~~ The doctor said that I should be taking care of myself and should not be going out on the last two day(Monday)... But hey, I did enjoyed myself on the outing during Monday~ And the doctor asked me do I want mc for tomorrow, I quickly said no coz I want to go back to school. Ah.... The doctor also said that I should rest My Voice for one week. That means no singing for the whole week. What the? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Singing No Life!

After seeing the doctor, mama treated me the very nice and delicious coffee bean breakfast. When we came back home, me and mama blew out the candles for her belated birthday~~~

Oh my, I looked so pale. Mama said that there are absolutely no colour on my face... Oh my... Sick also want to take pic. Haha~~~

After mama blew out the candles, she went back to work and now I'm all alone in my house. As usual.

Freaking UNBELIEVABLE that my sickness is caused by the crazy durian and excessive singing. And freaking UNBELIEVABLE that I can't sing for ONE WHOLE WEEK. I want to go back to school tomorrow. There's no way I'm staying home. Mama said that I'm very stubborn, maybe, maybe. Haha~~~ Ayeee~~~~ Wong Li Shien is very healthy de~~~~ I need to take care of myself more often from now on~~~ Fighting~~~ School, here I come!

Popping MEDICINE down my throat. Ugh...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Let's talk about yesterday first. I slept at four something after playing 'The Sims 2', then I woke up at 8 to meet with HueyYi to go out with her. Haha, yup, my eyes are so swollen and red. I wish to stay home since it's a Monday holiday. After singing k, I quickly contact papa to send me from ts to Sunway to meet with s4 the all. I got stuck in the traffic jam for one hour and the half. Crazy thing. When I got there, there was Loong, YinYing, YongHuai and KahLun. Haha, s4, four of them. Haiz, heard they many of them fly aeroplane. Felt sorry for the four of them that went on the outing. When I got to Sunway, it was already five something, then the five of us went to eat Sushi King. It was fun and funny as usual. Afterwards, went back home. I reached home at about eight something. I thrown myself to bed and slept as much as I like in my dirty clothes. When I open my eyes, it was about four something in the morning dy. I slept the whole day. Haha, and the whole day at school I felt so energetic. Went to school as usual. It was okay. Me and Mei decided to skip rc, got to came back earlier. Good day~~~

YinYing- sorry ya I didn't reply your sms, and I know that you're worried to death about my whereabouts, but I'm okay lar, I can take care of myself de. I was asleep when you sms me. I only saw your sms this morning. Sorry ya...

Loong- do not give up hope. I truly believe that by the next outing, there will be more people. More than 5. um, 6? Yup, 6 will do. I'm okay with that number. Then the next next outing it will add 1 more people. Then it will be 7. Then 8. What am I talking about? Ayee~~~ Just believe in them will do~~~

p.s. Someone say something very hurtful to me today, "Shien, you want to become a wedding planner right? Then it's okay. You just need your English to be good. The other subjects you don't need to care......" The conversation is longer but... That is totally not comforting. What the? What o? That's so discrimination. What's wrong being a Wedding Planner? And what's wrong with my results? Okay... You want to say until like that. I'll impress you by the end of the term. I'll strive to the front! Just wait and see!!! You got me angry now!

Let me fully recover. My condition now is even worse than yesterday. My voice had totally change. Oh, no. I want to sing. And skate.

Going CRAZY. Maybe. Maybe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Let get started! Haha~ Um, I woke up at ten something today. Went downstairs to continue playing my "The Sims 2". It's fun! Get changed and papa came and pick us up at 1 for lunch to celebrate fathers day. It was funny as usual. Went to the Red Island cafe. Well, the food there sucks. Eww... I don't like it at all. After that, me and papa and koko went to Baskin Robbins for dessert. Yay~~~ I love ice-cream. Came back home after that, then the three if us saw that crazy and funny movie "I want to be a model". I have always like that show, since today is father's day, I suggest that the three of us see it together. I laughed till my stomach ache. After that, me and koko went out with mama to celebrate her birthday at Mid Valley. It was nice. Preparing for tomorrow outings~~~

A pic of papa wearing koko's hat. Haha, hip-hop dad.

Baskin Robbins dessert.

Papa eating the ice-cream. Happy father's day, papa~~~

Me. My hair had grown longer now. Happy~~~

San Francisco SteakHouse~~~

That's my meat~~~

Me and mama~~~

Me and koko~~~

Extended version:

I like the Baskin Robbins very much. I like the San Francisco too. I was so happy the whole time I'm in the San Francisco coz there are so many waiter and waitress serving me. It's like I'm a important guest or a princess or something. I like that. Everyone there was very friendly. Haha, the waiter even opened the door for me. Haha~~~ I like it!!! And then I found out that my brother and his girlfriend is "LCLY" coz his name was LeeChern and his girlfriend name is "LaiYuen". What an coincidence. Tired day.

Papa- Happy father's day ya! I love you~~~

Mama- Happy birthday to you ya, older dy~~~ Haha, I love you too~~~

XiaoYing- Sorry ya, although you ask me to go singing with you, but I already promise someone else. Really sorry ya~~~ Next time lar, sure got next time de~~~

You-Sorry I couldn't go to the zoo with you although I really wanted too. Next time huh?

Life is like a scoop of ice-cream... if you don't taste it every chance you get... it melts away!

Going crazy, too many invitation.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Sims 2~~~


Last night, he had told me about his feelings. But I sort of rejected him coz I'm not ready to go into a relationship yet. I mean, I do like him, but... I don't want to go into a relationship that easily, coz this involves his feelings and I don't like to mess with other peoples feelings. I need time to think about it. Woke up at six something today, I guess that I'm used to the schooling time. Haha~~~ Back to sleep. Woke up at about ten something. Saw some movies and surf some net. And I finally had installed 'The Sims 2' into my computer. Oh my, I'm so into the game right now. It's very fun. Really! Haha~~~ And Saturday is going to end in 4 more hours time. Haha, glad that I could rest today. I like doing nothing in my own house. Tomorrow is father's day and mama's birthday. Looking forward to it~~~ Good night~~~

I sort of miss my friends.

Friday, June 19, 2009

All these LoVe~~~

Happy Friday~~~

Ah, went to school. We had not study for the whole day. Our class are like chatting and singing the whole time. It was fun. We were playing some games too. And my hand got swollen beaten by them. Man did not came today too. Heard that s4 students are going to ice-skating this Monday. Still hesitating should I go too. No more money dy after today's outing. After school. I went for meeting with my choir members, and again I had to postpone the singing competition to a little bit more further. Aish sey... After the meeting, Jo came to meet me from Puteri Titiwangsa. We went to Klcc after that. Went to eat Mc, and we certainly went for a walk there. The main point is that I got to see that '17 again' show again. Ah hahahaha~~~ Today was fun and tired~~~

Excuse me!!! SHOUT OUT below!!!
Mei- You seem quiet today, what happen? Going to sms you later. Muaksss~~~

Man- Aish, hope that you will recover fully, hope to see you again at school soon enough. Get well soon~~~

MeiKuan & HouXuan- I want my first organize singing competition to be successful, I could not have done it by myself, thanks to MeiKuan and my vice president. The two of you had been so supportive from the first day when I said that I want to do a singing competition. Thanks ya, the two of you are more than a president could ask for. I really love you guys~~~

Pengawas Kumpulan 3 ahli- I'm not mad at you all today. It's okay. I know that you all are hungry but please listen to me the next time okay? I'm not mad, I just want to get to know the 4 of you better. I want to be a good leader. Please believe in me to lead the 4 of you~~~ Love ya~~~

Other senior pengawas- Don't do that to me again lar, don't hide my water bottle again. I had to play that game with you all everyday. But I couldn't find my bottle today, I didn't get to drink anything except from Khee there. So bad, don't play with me again lar... You guys are senior ar...

WeiLoon- Saw you at bus stop today. I was with Jo Ann. Can you recognize her? I wanted to say goodbye to you but you didn't even look at me after you went on the bus. Aish... I can say it now~~~ Bye Bye!!!! See you on Tuesday ya~~~

ZhiYan- Crazy guy! Just come on your birthday okay? I don't want to waste other's people effort, so please, please just come. It will be fun, really. I promise you.

Wincent- Yes, yes, yes, I will go to the gathering. I know it means a lot to you. And I will be more serious from today onwards. Okay, I don't know if I can do it or not? Please believe in me too~~~

s4 students- I think we all got to know each other a lot more better today, right? Or am I thinking too much? Who said that I want to spent my birthday with ANIMALS? I just said that I want to go to the zoo during my birthday!!! Ahhh!!!!! Always bully me, I'm not a child lar... Or am I? Come on, come join choir club lar~~~ I love 4S4!!!

YinYing- You asked me today why do I have so much meeting, haha, I myself also don't know. Next time let's eat together again. Don't forget you put my aeroplane yesterday, you must go to the zoo with me. Haha~~~

Khee- How can I forget about you, you're one of my sister too. Thank you for letting me drinking your water today. Although I had drank almost most of your water, you're still not mad at me. Thanks ya, sorry that I couldn't go to sing k with you although you invite me too. Next time lar, I pinkie promise you~~~

PuahKahLun- "Shien, your face is very big ar, I just want to pinch it!" What the? Oh my, my face is not big okay? It's not small too... Ar... I want a smaller face... I should cut the meat from my face and paste them at some place that needs meat, um like the 'br#@st' area. Wahahaha~~~

CheeFeng- Sorry that I didn't go to sing k with you today to celebrate your birthday. Really sorry ar, it just seems like I'm always putting your aeroplane. Sorry ya~~~ Next time lar~~~
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to CheeFeng,
Happy birthday to YOU~~~

Mama- thanks for sending me and Jo home. I love you~~~

Jo- Last of all, for you. Thank you for going out with me. The two of us are like so crazy the whole time. People looks at us as if we were mental patients. We were laughing so loud. I mean, it was me that laugh that loud. Haha, sorry ya~~~ Very touched when you said that "I will go to the zoo with you, coz I'm your big sister, I can take you there." UWhh~~~ So touched! Haha, finally someone who want to go to zoo with me~~~ I will start to notice my 'brother-in-law' in school from today onwards. You had grown a lot more taller than me now, I mean that you are always taller than me. Feel so small... Really thank you very much and I love you much~~~ Muaksss~~~ Must be happy ar~~~

p.s. The love that you all give me that's too much is not even enough for me. I know it's really selfish for me said like that, but it's the truth, I love you all so much that I want even more love for you all. Too much is not even enough~~~ Thank you for always taking care of me. And once again SORRY for those that I couldn't go out with today(CheeFeng & Khee). Smile lots~~~

A pic of Me and Jo trying on clothes just to take pic. The dress is cute but it's a bit too tight and too short. Haha, the both of us looks like show girls at back stage waiting for our turn to get up on stage. Haha~~~ It was really fun with you, Jo~~~ You're the best sister ever~~~

ShieN really love you guys.

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Quite a happy day with my friends~~~

Um, went to school as usual. Although the test marks were kinda low but us, s4 had fun in our class chatting and laughing. Ah~~~ I love S4~~~ And although Man didn't came to school today, but I still got Mei. Got to know a lot of people a lot more better today. It was fun. After school, I went for my pengawas meeting. That Wincent said that it will be quick, but our meeting end at two something. It was the first time that us, ajks had such a long meeting. Haha~~~ I like the meeting much and I like my class more~~~

Mei- thanks for today ya~~~

I want to go to the ZOO~~~ Anyone interested to go with me?

Why do I keep running from the Truth?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday? Wednesday?

After reaching school, I stayed in the pengawas room coz I got 'gate duty' today. If I had went back to class, I would sure be late for it. 'Gate duty' was okay. Realized that I had forgot many things about gate duty. Oh my, I need to brush up my skills. Oh my... Recess time was okay, it's always fun when I'm with my 'ahli', but Man said that I'm not fierce enough with them. Okay... I'm going to be serious. Then that crazy ZhiYan asked me to buy food for them into the class, I said it's not Tuesday and it's not Mr.Keng lesson, so I cannot do that. Then he keep saying that it was Tuesday. I got so confused I went on asking all my friends what day today is, I'm sure that it was Wednesday. Crazy guy! It was really Wednesday lar~~~ Makes me scared for nothing. Haha... Went for tuition at three something. Came back home and now I'm sitting here.

Mei- It was really fun with you today. Muakss~~~

A joke for you~~~
A teacher was working with a group of children, trying to broaden their horizons through sensory perception. She brought in a variety of lifesavers and said, "Children, I'd like you to close your eyes and taste these." The kids easily identified the taste of cherries, lemons and mint, but when the teacher gave them honey-flavored sweets, all of the kids were stumped. "I'll give you a hint," said the teacher. "It's something your mommy and daddy probably call each other all the time." Instantly, one of the kids coughed his sweets onto the floor and shouted, "Spit the sweets out, they're assholes!"

p.s. I heard from YinYing that Khee went to download the "nobody" song during the holidays, I was like so "HUH?". I was really shocked. Haha, I though that Khee hate that song, but hey, I guess I'm wrong. I didn't know that I had such big influence/impact on my friends. Haha~~~

Nobody lyrics for y'all-
-I want nobody nobody but you.
I want nobody nobody but you.
Nan dareul sarameum shiro(I don't want anyone else).
Niga ani myeon shiro(If it's not you, I don't want).
I want nobody nobody
Nobody nobody
Nan shireunde(I hate it).
Wae nalmironae ryeogo(Why are you trying to push me away?).
Hanijaggu nae mareun deujji ango(You ignore what I am saying).
Wae ireohge dareun namjaegenal(Why are you pushing me to other guys?).
Boneryeo hani eoteohge ireoni(Why are you doing this?).
Nal wihae geureohdan geu mal(Saying that this is fo my own good).
Neon bujoghadaneun geu mal(Saying that you are just not enough).
Ijen geumanhaeneon nalreul aljana(Stop it right now, you know me well enough).
Wae Wonhajido anneun geol gangyohae(Why are you forcing what you know I don't want?).
-I want nobody nobody but you.
I want nobody nobody but you.
Nan dareul sarameum shiro(I don't want anyone else).
Niga ani myeon shiro(If it's not you, I don't want).
I want nobody nobody
Nobody nobody

Nan chunheunde nan haengbokhande(I'm satisfied, I'm happy).
Neoman issemyeon dwae deo baralge obneunde(If I have you, I don't want anything else).
Nugul mannaseol haengbokharan gyeoya( Who do you want me to meet and be happy with?).
Nan neolddeonaseo haengbokhal su eobseo(I can't be happy away from you).
Nal wihae geureohdan geu mal(Saying that this is fo my own good).
Neon bujoghadaneun geu mal(Saying that you are just not enough).

Mari an dwineun mariran geol wae molra(Why can't you understnad it makes no sense?).
Niga eobshi eoddeohge haengbokhae(How can I be happy without you?).
-I want nobody nobody but you.
I want nobody nobody but you.
Nan dareul sarameum shiro(I don't want anyone else).
Niga ani myeon shiro(If it's not you, I don't want).
I want nobody nobody.
Nobody nobody
I dont want nobody body.
I don't want nobody body.
Naneun jeongmal niga animyeon(Really, if it's not you).
Niga animyeon shildan marya(If it's not you, I really hate it!).
I want nobody nobody but you.
I want nobody nobody but you.
Nan dareul sarameum shiro(I don't want anyone else).
Niga ani myeon shiro(If it's not you, I don't want).
I want nobody nobody.
Nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody but you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Test marks...

Um, nothing more to say about today.

Finally went back to school. Haha, feels like I've been away for too long. Was greeted warmly by my friends who laughed about my back pain. The teacher was handling out our test paper, um, the marks are... Okay, I won't go there. But I passed my aim for add maths where I aim for 2o marks above to get an album. Yup, I got 22. Haha~~~ Clap for me~~~ I went from 4 marks to 22 marks. I have improved~~~~~~~~ After rc, went back home.

Just wanted to share this song with y'all that I personally like it very much. The lyrics are kinda funny but I think it shouts out what I'm feeling.
Crazy Love-
I've been waiting for this for so long.
Although it wasn't like this usually.
A part of my heart feels dead like a robot.
I've put you into my heart.
I've been hurting so much.
Your my number one.
Though everybody objects you.
I don't even understand myself.
No matter how many times I try to fix my heart, it won't work.
I know you know I want you.
Nobody knows my feelings towards you.
Dear, don't listen to those nonsense filled stories.
I, who trust you most in the world is yelling out to the world.
-No matter what anybody say.
You're my crazy love.
Though they say I'm crazy.
I just can't get enough.
I hope you can acknowledge my feelings.
Baby, my hearts beat for you.
People usually calculate as if it's an item you sell and buy, asking themselves what they want more.
At times, I anticipate for a better love but that's not me.
I don't like how myself like this either.
No matter how many times I turn my head, it wouldn't work.
I know you know I want you.
Please accept me, because I can't go on without you.
Beautiful things are not eternal.
But you're the most special for you'll believe me forever.
-No matter what anybody say.
You're my crazy love.
Though they say I'm crazy.
I just can't get enough.
I hope you can acknowledge my feelings.
Baby, my hearts beat for you.

Is it a sin to love?
I can't stop.
Even if people can't understand me.
I just love you.
It pains me that I make it hard for you.
Even if nobody knows how I feel, if it's you, it's fine.
-No matter what anybody say.
You're my crazy love.
Though they say I'm crazy.
I just can't get enough.
I hope you can acknowledge my feelings.
Baby, my hearts beat for you.
I know, it's my crazy love for you.

Yup, funny lyrics. Haha~~~ Good day everyone.

Album, I'm coming.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Sorry for being away for so long. Not going to write anything too long, just some pic.


Went to sing k with Man, OonKit and XiuKeong at Neway. Okay, it seems like I'm not wearing anything underneath, but I did wear a pants. It's a short pants and the outfits is just too long. It was very fun. We enjoyed our self very much. Very memorable.


Went to yima house last night. Stayed there for the whole Thursday. We are going to KLCC.

Moe like MARIE very much. We used it to play.


Went to Genting in the morning with mama and Kosuke. That's why I didn't went for the leadership camp. First World Hotel.

We are in the cable car. Nice weather.

We went to coffee bean at night to chat and read.

Very scary, Kosuke's face.

Mama and Kosuke.

Okay, this looks like a commercial. Right is a gum that is in a toothpaste like shape. Left is some sweets in a bottle like shape. Both is manufactured in Korea. Not bad ar, I mean the sweets~~~


Came back to KL in the afternoon. The haze was so serious, we couldn't even see the front.

After reaching KL, me and Kosuke sat from Terminal Putra to Kelana Jaya to meet yima. Aish, it the the first station to the last lrt station. Yima picked the two of us from there. Then I went out with yima's family(Yima, Mana, Moe, Kosuke) at 1u. Went for dessert then we saw the "17 again" show. This is Nata de coco.

Came back home from yima house. After changing, went to Uncle Leng's birthday party. Met up with all of mama's family member. As usual, it was fun and funny with all of them. They took care of me very well. Well, since, technically, I'm the youngest in the family. After the party, went to Aunty Pam's house to teach tuition. Okay, she is not my yima, she's my mama's friend. And ya, me, I am teaching tuition. To her daughter. Who is 9 years old. I'll be teaching her Malay every Sunday afternoon from now on. Her name is Bridget, a very cute gal. Don't know how and why, I suddenly develop a back pain. It hurts so much even when I am laughing. I can't even walk straight. Went to see a doctor, he said it was caused by the nerve. Okay, took mc, not going to school tomorrow coz I can't even walk.

Stayed at home, Mama took half day leave to take care of me. Uhg, I hate taking medicine. Am going back to school tomorrow. Well, this is the first day that I spent my time at home for the whole holiday coz I'm not even in my own house during the holiday. I miss my house.

  • You- You can get to know me well, but it doesn't mean that you can be near to me. Phony! Stay away, and I mean it. I like being in my own world.
  • Holiday ended. Wu wa, so fast ar~~
  • Bought something for Loong coz I though that it suited for Loong but I give it to Mana eventually coz I'm scared that Loong will not like it.
  • YinYing, the show that you said you want to see, I got it for you.
  • OonKit's key is still with me here. You didn't take it back that day.
  • I. Am. So. Screwed. When I'm going back to school tomorrow, I'm going to be cut by many people. Especially that part that why I didn't went for the leadership camp. Ah, I. Am. So. Dead. It's okay, we'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I didn't regret all the choice that I had made during the holiday.
  • Oh my god, Zac Efron is so darn good looking in that "17 again" show. OWww~~~ I'm in love with that show. He really does kick all of the boys out of the league. Ah~~~ I like his SMILE especially. Oh my, he's like... He's really... Oh my... Out of breath... Because of Zac, I like guys with a great smile now.

Bon Odori coming(18/7/2009), ow~~~ Waiting for it. Holiday, please come back to me. I want to stay at home. I didn't even have time to see my Korean drama that mama bought for me before the holiday.

Smile lots. The best is yet to come.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009



Went out today with s4 students. Well, it's really s4, coz there are only the four of us. Me, Loong, WeiLoon and YenSen. Haha~~~ It was fun. Me and koko went for breakfast with papa before papa send us to ts. The four of us went for bowling first. Then we walk around. A lot. We did even went to gasoline and the play land. Don't know what to say more, just that it's very memorable for me. After that I went to mama's office at Masjid Jamek. Me, mama and koko went for clay pot chicken rice. The carrot soup is oh so nice~~~ When I was walking to mama's office, I realised that my leg is bleeding. Not my whole leg but at my foot there because of my new shoes. I was walking too much today. Aigooo~~~~ When the three of us is in the restaurant, when the uncle and auntie are taking the order, I was busy examining my leg. Then the two of them are so kind to ask me what happened and they offered me a plaster to put in my wound. Oh my~~~ They're so kind. And so is Loong too. He send me and WeiLoon to ts to take the monorail. Well, WeiLoon is also very sweet too coz he offered to 'teman' me to sit the monorail. Thanks ya. Going to tune in now. Night everyone~~~

Lots of THANKS to Loong, Loon, YenSen, mama & koko.

Kindness will go on.

Stupid ME...

Sorry for being away for the last two days.

On Sunday-7/6/2009
In the morning, me, Mama, koko, Auntie Ivy(mama's friend) and Eugene(her son), the five of us drove down to Taiping after eating the delicious 'pan mien'. We reached there at about two something, we went for lunch then we rest at the hotel. At about five thirty something, we meet up with Mama another friend- Auntie Pat and his son Daniel and Shawn(Daniel's friend) and we went to have seafood dinner. After that, we went to the infamous Night Safari. Actually is a zoo, you just go in at night time, that's the difference. The zoo trip was very very fun, all of us are having fun. We laughed. We talked. Haha~~~

After having lunch in Taiping, went back to KL straight after that. we reached home at about five something. After bathing, me and Mama went to Damansara to see Yima Linda for dinner at seven. We meet up with Yima, Mana, Moe and Kosuke. We went for porridge. Then we went to 1U to buy some shoes coz all of my shoes are 'broken' by me. Went back home.

Mana & Moe- Miss you all so much. We all had fun during the shopping right? Haha~~~ Sorry that I couldn't follow the two of you today coz I promise to go out with some friends or should I say one friend. Let's get together some times. I always have fun with you all.

Stupid me, really stupid me. Feel really useless now. What the? You don't even care about the trip that is going on today. What am I doing this for? I really though that I was making a difference. So all in the end it's just me and my foolish dream? Ya, maybe. This whole world is not about you and you only. If you don't wanna come, just don't. Don't play with me. I though that I could just have fun with all of you.

Still choosing should I go for the outing afterwards. I still want to go coz it's for s4 students, and even though none are coming, it's still for them. I don't want to go now coz I don't feel good about it.

I'm going to go...
I really should care about people that care about me.
Just walk away, stop telling me your reason.
You(all of you) really broke my heart this time.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Never stop LEARNing

Sorry for being away for so long, let me see, um, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday... Whoa~~~ I miss my blog too~~~~~~

Woke up feeling very happy today coz I'm going out with Mei today. Yay~~~ It's so hard to go out with MEi coz our time will always clash together, so we will only went for 'kai kai' every holiday. At ten something, daddy came and pick me up, then we went to pick Mei up. We went for breakfast near my school. Actually it was just me eating, coz Mei had eaten and daddy had eaten too. Then? What the? I'm not that hungry lar... We finally reached SW at about eleven something. WhooHOoo~~~ We went for the pic first of course. We did shop around for some time, but that was nothing that caught both of our eyes. The two of us are more into talking than seeing clothes. We also went to the play land. At about two, we went straight into Neway. We sang like crazy~~~ Couple of psycho. Haha~~~ Then we went to Titiwangsa station after singing at five something, waited daddy to pick us up. We went for 'pan mien' near my school also. It's super delicious!!! Then daddy sent Mei home. After sending her home, the two of us hit the road to Segamat(Johor). After reaching my grandma house, I went straight to bed.

A pic of Mei singing. Leng lui ar~~~

MEI & me~~~

At seven something in the morning, the was twenty something of us, we went straight down to Muar(Johor) for our Christianity camp. It was okay the first day. Fell kinda of tired.

Can't quite remember anything but I know that we woke up at seven then we only rest at eleven at night. It was super exhausting. But it was fun.

We went to visit a couple of old folks at their home to pray for them. There was this old man that was laying in his bed, he can't even talk or move, he could just blink his eyes. It was so sad seeing him like that. If I'm not wrong, his illness is caused by high cholesterol. I was crying from the time I went into the house. It really hit me that "This is LIFE". Evening, we went to this mini pier that has many many many monkeys. There are so scary, just like the ones in the Batu Caves. All the girls in our group including me are screaming and shouting like some mad patients. Haha~~~

Woke up and read some verse from the bible. It's time for work. We are preparing for the children that's going to come into the church later on. Oh my~~~ I love children. It was very fun. After eating lunch, me and daddy said goodbye and we came straight back from there. And now I'm finally here.

I like this girl very much, but I can't seem to remember her name. She's very sweet. I was with her the whole time during all the activities. She even sat at my lap. She's 7 years old. Cute gal~~~

This cute boy is KaiLe. He's 5. Haha~~~ Everyone was taking pic with him, and I was like why not? Cute boy~~~

This is a pic before I went into my dad's car. The tallest is RenFu and the other one is ShengLong. Oh my, I'm so short. They're there for the camp too and there are also few other teenage girls but I couldn't get to them. Next time lar~~~

Camp- Well, I like the camp very much, enough said. Although I was bitten by all those insects like crazy and now I'm having a sun burn, but it's all totally worth it. I had made so many friends and they're all so good to me. Thanks ya~~~ Most important part is I have learnt that God is always with us and that I need to go on chasing my dream. After seeing the old man, I was like thinking that if I was him and I'm laying in the bed and there's still things or dreams that I still haven done it, I will be regretting like mad. So, everyone, stop wasting your own time. And the sky in Muar is always fill with stars every night.

Mei- I always enjoy my time when I am with you. I like going out with you the most. That day I was wearing a black top, a black pants and a black jacket. When we reached the k room, I took of my jacket to sing, then Mei said:" Wah, Shien, you're very sexy ar. 'He' really earn it." I was like huh? At the same time I was like crazily happy. That day was a really good day for the two of us to bond together. Hahaha~~~ I love you, Mei~~~

I would really like to write your name on my blog, but I think we should go on secretly. So, to you- I really got to know you better. You're like a cute child. I'm always happy to receive your sms. It's always very sweet. About the future, I can't say much, coz our future is practically and metaphorically in your hands. Really hope that you will make up your mind soon enough. I really like you very much~~~

3s students, sorry that I didn't went for the reunion on Friday. Very very happy that XiuKeong sms me and asked me that do I want to go out next week. Whoa~~~ Yes, of course. Glad to know that I'm still on you all's mind~~~

Loong- Gambateh~~~

Still learning & growing.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Don't UnderstaNd...


First day of holiday and first day of June...
Woke up at about eleven something today, went to surf the net. Sweep and moped the floor. And now I'm here.

Totally boring day, well today's highlight is about him.
He had sent a very shocking sms to me when I have fallen asleep last night and I really though that I was dreaming. When I woke up today and checked my phone again, the message is still there. Okay, I kinda, sort of, basically, pretty much, really, totally am SHOCKED. But I still don't understand, well, you said that you like me, but you don't want to go into a relationship, but you still want to know what is my feelings towards you. Oh my god, are you kidding me? I mean, if you don't want to go into a relationship, what in the hell you want to know my feelings for? Anyway, so now, I am kinda in a very confusing stage.

Let me see if I get it right, so we are not a couple, but we like each other? What the? Are you kidding me? Oh my god! What is happening to me? How can you be only friends with someone you like?

There isn't anything like this in the history or in the whole wide world, you either tell the other person you like them or you don't tell them coz you don't like them. You don't tell the person dy, then you said you don't want to date. What is this? What kind of crazy thing is this?

Fortune cookie-"You will never be last in line, you will always excel."

Still regretting my choice now, this is totally, certainly not a good thing to me. Should I stay by your side or am I free to go see other guys, you tell me.

Ughhh, happy holidays everyone...

I think I like you too...