While my friends are having dinner with each others, I'm at Port Dickson with my family celebrating New Year's eve.
It was fun?
The start of 2010~~~
To have a great start, you have to have New Year Resolutions.
So, this is mine:
1. Finish up my homework before the deadlines.
(Shit, homework...)
2. Have GREAT and SHARP eye-sight to spot NICE and CHEAP clothes.
(I didn't wrote I'll spend less)
3. Stop throwing sarcasm at my brother's face just to see his reaction.
(Or throw sarcasm at anyone face for that matter)
4. Study for my final exams?
(Well, I'm a maximum result minimum effort kid, so, go on trying to talk some sense into me)
5. Go green for once.
(like bring your own bag when you buy things instead of using plastic bag)
6. Stop breaking my mum's heart and be a nice girl.
(I didn't say obedient, so I can as defiance as I want, hah)
7. Be more grateful to all the things around me.
(Oh my MASCARA, I love you so much, thank you very much. Thanks for making my eyes seems enhance. Thank you my little mascara.)
8. Focus my heart 100% to this particular ONE guy.
(I'm serious about this.)
9. Cut down the amount of me doing CRAZY stuff.
(I'll try real hard for this)
10. Enjoy myself.
I'll tell you by 2010 end of the year, did I accomplish all the things I wrote down.

Family to-die-for. Hah, my brother was holding a champagne is his hand. Mom was too busy writing her own new year resolutions.

Let's start today with some craziness. ^^
Hey, history is in making here!Happy New Year~~~新年快乐~~~SaeHae Bog ManhI BadEeSeYo~~~Akeome~~~Selamat Tahun Baru~~~(Or in any other language, too bad I don't speak Kenya.)p.s. He said this to me, and I like it very much (both the word and the guy, the guy who I intented to stay focus on, no.8 resolution).*一无所有表示能够拥有更多的梦想