Monday, May 30, 2011















Sunday, May 29, 2011

Shien Now

This post is totally unpredictable.
Speaking from my point of view.

I just wanna write down what I feel now as to put a lock on this feeling.

Now, I'm feeling really happy.
Not exactly happy happy.
But contented happy.

I was walking around in my room to dry off a layer of lotion.
And the feeling suddenly dawn upon me.

I am contented now.

Life is good.

I never like to comment about my schedule or the workload because I know that there is always someone else out there that is working harder than me.

I rarely sleep but it's totally voluntary.
Catching up with everything and me going through life is so weird.

I never thought I'm capable of such actions.
But here I am.

Maybe this is me being high talking.
Feeling high from being loved by some many.

This is a really weird feeling as I am discovering it for the first time.
Or maybe it's just the feeling of certainty.
Certainty of what I want and where I wanna go.
That's why I keep telling myself that 'Now is not the time to stop'.

And this moment is brilliant.

I don't know where this is coming from.
Maybe from God, maybe from some uncountable source.
But here I am feeling weird and all.

The Shien now and the Shien a year back, I really don't have a clear ruler to measure how far I've go, how much I've grew.
But deep down, I know.
I know that there's something definitely changed inside of me.

And I am still trying to understand myself better than I did yesterday.

All I'm trying to say is that:
I am content now.
And I hope that it will stay.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Wrong Outcome

On Monday, the first day of the week.
I've already planned on what to do with this blog post.

And, yeah.
It didn't went well.
The first day (Monday) and second day (Tuesday) pictures were meant to be.

The sequence were suppose to be like this:
(from Monday to Friday)
HappySmall SmileMoodyAsleepEcstatic

But the pictures after Tuesday were all completely wrong.?!
Hee, my update on this week.

This is me on Monday. I was rushing through my report and I slept at five something that day. And I still look happy. Monday, formal wear day. Thus, me in pink shirt.

All my notes. I think this is Physics lesson. I hate this stupid chair/table thing. I want my own CHAIR and my own TABLE. Two separate thing. Not something that is a hybrid. HAHAHA. The chair and the table had sex and this is their child.

This is me on Tuesday. I'd only slept for 2 hours. I make this face on purpose to show the difference of the first and second day. And this seat I'm sitting at, this is formally my seat now. Last time, I was sitting in the fifth row. Now I'm sitting on the left side of the first row. I love my seat. Whoa hoo.

The pictures should not be me smiling. Cute little Jaxxi.

Cute little Jaxxi and Pretty Pooja.

Pretty Jay, Cute Little Jelly and Nice Hair Sally. I gave them these nickname. I sit in the front row with them. :)

Now this is me on Wednesday. Everything is completely wrong now. I should not be laughing. I should be having a moody face because I'd just slept for 2 hours again. Wednesday is practical day.

I have my own lab coat already. And I proudly wrote my name on it.

During lunch time, Jay tried to feed me while Sally interrupted because she wanted to eat some too. Still laughing.

My Chemistry lab partner. Little Jelly. See, she's so concentrated on getting the exact amount of Hydrochloric acid. The measurement cylinder is so misleading. And I ended up getting the wrong amount of dilute water for the experiment. Thank goodness I realized it on time, thank goodness Jelly was not mad (she just look at me like I'm from outer space when I told her I got the wrong reading). Jelly stirred the mixture so fast that I joked that she's like making her milo in the morning.

This is on Thursday, I wanna show everyone my 15 bucks school shoes. So so so comfy.

Milky sat beside me during presentation.

I'd killed Milky.

Little Jelly. She was teaching me some techniques on taking photos.

Sally, Shien, Jay and Jelly's highlighter. All different brand.

I heart this girl. Jay and I exchanged some secrets on Thursday too.

This is before I did my speech. Really nervous. Jelly took this picture.

After school, I went for Kung Fu Panda 2 with my mother. Supposedly, it was the two of us. But my cousin were waiting for the bus with me after school so he came along too.

Me, Mom, Cousin, Aunt, the four of us went for dinner at Dome later. This is my Banana Milk Shake.

My creamy seafood pasta. I did not want any of the seafood, they were all eaten by my cousin. I just want the sauce and the pasta.

And I bought this pen for 3 bucks at KLCC there.

And today, I went out with Boyfriend wearing this tee that's a present from my mother. He took me for a movie and lunch at Chilis. Woolala.

See, this post was suppose to be funny.
But it's all ruined now.
It's all right, I'll think of something better next week.

In short, I had 2 hours sleep every night.
I'd finished 2 reports.
I'd done partially 2 of my reports.
And I have 2 more that I haven't start yet.

And and and, my presentation is on next week.
I hope we'll get through it smoothly.


I wanna end my post now before I continue ranting even more.

Thank you Jay, Jelly and Sally for making my week special and interesting. Especially Jay and Jelly. Heart you guys.

And thank you Boyfriend too for spending time with me. There are many ways to make me happy not just material stuff okay? I think I'm getting use to seeing you once a week now. I understand now that not seeing doesn't mean that you're not being think of. You're the sweetest.


One more thing I wanna write here:
Now is not the time to stop.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I think I am going insane no you know I am going insane which you think I am going insane by seeing this post.


Why isn't there anyone right now?
That's why I named this post Hello.

See, it makes perfect sense.

But it's dead silence.

It's all my fault.
I should have started on my reports earlier, but I.
I have to start on 1 o'clock in the morning.

But, but, but.
It's not entirely my fault because at 4 in the morning, it gives you a sense of urgency and nobody disturb you in this hour.

So, I'm kinda a genius to think of such strategy.


I'm hungry.
I'm blogging right now when I'm actually multitasking in my brain.
I'm thinking about how many figures I should put down in my reports so that it could fit into my graph paper later.
But my graph paper is upstairs in my room and if I go up, I'll run the chance of waking my mother up.
And if my mother wakes up, World War 3 will be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow.



Good distraction this is since there's no one I could talk to now.
Can't think straight.
Need sleep.
Got more reports.


ajkdgfbfvsdgbn LFGPOjf;wmqBFVFY fhv VF.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Thank you, Boyfriend :)

I know Boyfriend would be super super super happy once he sees the post title.
So, tada~~~

This is my update on last week and this week.

My name. :) I am so in love with my name. I also don't know why. Heehee. I think this is one of my text book.

That cute little Jaxxi drew this on last Thursday English lesson.

On last Friday, I've met with Boyfriend for breakfast at McDonald. His facial expression is like this probably because I had just said something insulting or nonsensical to him. Probably because I had said something about his BIG SOCCER like HEAD. Muahahahaha. Don't laugh, Boyfriend. I said it so that I could laugh at it myself. Not you.

See see see. My RED bag. Again. And my RED fail. Lala.

Later, I met up with them. Pooja and Sarah. We were playing around half of the time in Starbucks when we should be doing our presentation.

Cute little Jaxxi. She even brought her own pillow. Shoo shoo shoo CUTE. After the presentation and all, I met up with 5S4 they all at Fahrenheit 88. We went singing and dinner. No pictures though.

And on last Saturday, I went Mid Valley with my family for the movie Paul. This is my Honey and Banana. I love love love MILK. Milky milky coco PUFFFFFF~~~

And I order this creamy sauce pasta. I love it. SEE! GOT BROCCOLI in it. BROCCOLI arh.

Today, since my bestie JoAnn is busy with her school stuff. I'd asked Boyfriend to accompany me to buy some stuff. And we ate breakfast at McDonald again. :) This is my food. I don't know what he ordered, but this is the only thing I eat in McDonald breakfast set.

Okay, I did not just bought some stuff. I've bought A LOT of stuff. I AM SO HAPPY right now. Dresses, swimsuit, my touch-and-go tag.

I ate two Happy Meal for dinner just now. I wanted to collect all the Spongebob toys. Hence, 2 Happy Meal.

I'd decided to post this picture up again. I think it's really nice.

Boyfriend, he was like so so so nice. We walked into every shop and he didn't even complain a single bit. Just this time okay? When JoAnn is free next time, she'll go shopping with me. He's like so nice. NICE NICE NICE. :) Thank you arh, Baby G. You're the best. And don't denial it. You'd spoiled me. Hee.

Pooja, awww, I love you too Jay. Guess what? I'd bought your present today. See, I got you excited now. See you on Monday.

Thank you for reading.
Wishing you all an equally motivating weekend.

"Without Action, Nothing Changes."

Now I've updated my blog, I'm gonna go bath and then do revision.
Then tomorrow, 4 reports are waiting to suck my life out.

I should have know earlier.
I'm already resigned to this life of slavery.

Milky Milky RAWR~~~

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Everything is CHICKEN to Me

I celebrated Mother's Day yesterday with my family and my godmothers and their family.
At Chilis.
Love it.

There's this candy shop just beside Chilis. I LOVE CANDY. Go candy.

My RED bag, a present from Boyfriend. And my RED handkerchief.

My Diet Coke. I don't know why Diet Coke taste a lot more sweeter than normal Coke. I love Diet Coke so so so much too.


SEE SEE SEE! MY VEGGIE! Go veggie go veggie. Shien love veggie.

And last to my order is this Spicy Buffalo Wings. Woolala.

And I started to eat.

And eat.

And eat.

And the final result. バイバイ Muahahahaha.

My fingers look like this after I'm done with everything.

Gotta go and do revision now.
Chilis is my favourite western restaurant once again.
Hee hee.

Shien :
RED color
Diet Coke
Boyfriend too ハート

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Lab Partners

My week.

On Thursday, we had a 2 hours break. We usually have just 1 hour. :)

They are my bio lab partners. The guys I hang out with are all in Group 1 while I'm alone in Group 2. They are so nice to take me in.

My Physics lab partners. We need to figure everything out by ourselves and yet it's still fun.

She's YiXin. My bio partner. We were at the ground floor going to run up to the seven floor where the lab is at by stairs for our experiment.

And yesterday, I went for Korean food with my bestie JoAnn.

The KimChi soup is too delicious.