Hey hey.
I'm in Melaka now.
No, stop wondering why I go to Melaka all the time.
Anyhow, I'm sitting in the lobby lounge playing with the computer right now.
And I was seeing back all my blog post just now.
And sitting here, I suddenly realised what a jerk I am.
I wrote about letting her go last year's August.
And now I wrote that I still love her and wants a closure.
Shit, if turn around she was me, and if somebody was messing with me like this, heck, I'll go crazy too.
I'm real mess up.
And real f*ck ed up too.
Oh my.
What is wrong with me?!
Anyhow, I wanna try to stop myself from being like this.
I don't know if I'll succeed or not, I think I just have to try.
Today's New Year Eve.
Okay, I'm just gonna go and play some dress up game or go...
Do nothing.
p.s. A really great news too.
I'm gonna start working on Monday.
p.s.s. Next, my New Year Resolution.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Don't Look Back Part 2
Pictures time
Continuing 2009, there's a Part 2 for this year end post.

Well, 2010.
This year's highlight I could summarized it into a few main points.
First, I've met (technically I've already met them, I just didn't befriended them that well) some rocking friends.
Second, I've finally settle down.
And many more, but I'm kinda tired right now to finish it.
So, 2010 is a year of friends and family.
Let's start rolling the pictures:

See this crazy girl's expression. LMAO.

And this funny guy, is always cracking up jokes. He's like a joke machine. I think, anyone who talk to him just have to reply him by laughing.

I love you two as much as I love Patrick. For WKhee who has been such an amazing friend that provides endless joy to me. For KTing who gave me lots and lots of support even though she had just known me for just one year.

CLoong, someone who took care of me real good last year, this year too I guess. A freind to cherish.

Two of my best friend. What more can I say? Congratulations. I'm damn excited when I upload this photo.
(p.s. Sorry for not posting up Eva's picture. I simply don't have one.)
My best friend. Speechless. Hah, I love you. Thank you for always sharing my sense of humor.
To be honest, this year is a really tough year for me.
There's been changes around the house and I just couldn't seem to adjust myself to it in the beginning.
There were lots of tears this year.
A lot.
But I still know that we'll come out stronger.
And of course, there's an addition to my family too.
Welcome to the family~~~
And since this is my blog, I just have to do the ME part.
I've done so many unexpected things.
Like having an imaginary Tiffany and Co. wedding ring.
And even conceiving an ugly looking doll and embracing motherhood.
And, although I'm going to turn 18 soon, and I can officially begin my night life, I still love having teas in the Mamak.
I'm extremely proud of my room too.
See this girl, do you see any difference?
Yup, I could hardly tell too.
My physical state isn't improving at all from last year till now.
Lots and lots of allergies and bruises.
They tell me that by running I could add up to my life.
They were right, after I finished jogging, I feel 10 years older already.
Well, my hair has gotten longer now.
But my signature move is still the Awesome Spoon EYE.
Well, I hope you all enjoy this post as much I'm enjoying myself down there.
Or at least give me some credit for trying so hard to make such a wonderful list.
All I can say is that, I'm still trying to understand myself better than I did yesterday.
And I really LOVE
p.s. I really love Tiffany and Co.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What I Wanna Do When I Have my 1st PayCheck
Dairy o(^-^)o
I've already made out a list.
And what's more fun than crossing out the items on your list.
1.) I wanna use that money to learn driving.
I'll just be a tad better than Spongebob in sense of his "careful" driving skills.
2.) I wanna buy lots of stuff.
-Etude House bb CREAM
(I've been eyeing this cream for a very long time now.)
-And maybe a (a.)OneRepublic cd or a (b.)Janice cd.
3.) Get a new hairstyle.
4.) to 10.) I wanna use MY OWN money to buy MY OWN STATIONARY kit for my studies.
Now, that wasn't so hard~~~
Then I wanna buy food for all the ones I love.
My Christmas
Dairy o(^-^)o
I'm back.
I'm back from EVERYTHING~~~
So, here's my Christmas~~~

These are the presents I got before Christmas eve. It's all from my sweethearts. Aww~~~
So, summing up, from what I've got this Christmas.
I have something to confess.
Actually I've known most of my Christmas present already.
You know how.
I went on shopping and I found something I like.
Then someone will buy that particular thing.
Then I take it home to wrap it.
Then it's under the Christmas tree~~~
Well, it's kinda LAME though~~~
Anyhow, summing up now:
1.) A planner and a motivation note - Mama.
2.) A 5 BUCKS handkerchief - My CHEAP SKATE brother.
3.) A Billabong denim short skirt - Baby.
*You'll spot it on the picture below.
4.) 3 candles and a bracelet - JoAnn.
5.) A bracelet from Diva - my godmother.
6.) A hair lotion - my brother's girlfriend.
Then I've got even more bracelet, a mirror, and some more, but I can't seem to remember.
p.s. The Gingerbread bear I've been holding in my hand in this picture, it's a gift too.
p.s.s. Santa Claus has been generous with me this year.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Before I put this to an End
Dairy o(^-^)o
If there is people reading this, that means I've actually worked up the courage to write this.
So, um, good for me.
Anyhow, because year end is dawning and before I put this year to an end, there's 2 person I've to have some closure with.
Well, the chances for both for them to read this is minimum, and it probably shows that I'm such a coward to write it here than talk it out.
But, what the hell?
There's no easy way saying this, so I'm just gonna say it.
So here goes nothing.
You and me. Hmm... Where should I start? I could say that our love is like a song. Well, was like a song. But somewhere along the line, I wouldn't sing along. I couldn't. Not anymore. Looking back from now, I have no heck of a idea why I ran. At that time, all I knew best was to run. Maybe it was too much to bear, that's why I ran. Maybe I was a coward. You were the sister I'd never had and always wanted to have. I'll apologize to you face to face if I've work up the courage last year. Now things seems to have past and it'll be a hypocrite of me to do that. So...... What am I talking about? Anyhow, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't stay long enough to hear out the whole story. I'm sorry I didn't stay put and show you that I would fight for you as I had in many of our experience. So, wherever you are, be strong ya girl. You know I love you so.
Now in my version. I'm the total Bitch that f*cked up other people relationship. But honestly, I've only felt remorse it's because I could not turn back our relationship. I have no regret choosing to be with ZhiYan. Well, okay....... I'm lying. Sometimes when all the world is sleeping, I would stay up and think of my wrong doing. Anyhow. Our relationship wasn't strong to start with, and when it crumbles, there's nothing in the base to hold on to it. I remember talking to you right before I got together with him, and the response I get is total heart ache. I tried, tried, tried an tried. But you wouldn't even hear me out. So...... All I want to say now is that I hope you'll lead a happy life.
Now, all that is done.
I feel more better.
I just hate the guilt trip that's building up in me.
I know I've did my best at that point of time to save the relationship, or it's just something I tell myself so I could sleep better at night.
Well, even if it's something I tell myself every night before I sleep, it's still my life I'm leading, in the end, the only person to care about to be happy is still me.
I'm sorry for being such a bitch.
(I've wanted to say that long enough)
Anyhow, me, LiShien is going to enjoy her Christmas now.
p.s. Thank you for being in my life once.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
-I'll be working at 1U for January and February.
(Well, hopefully, finger cross for me)
-I've a place I wanna go to further my studies.
It's a nice and prominent place and it has many links to uni here.
(Well, again, hopefully, finger cross for me)
-I'm still in love with Samsung Corby Pro.
The RED one.
(Once again, hopefully, finger cross for me)
I should name this HOPE CORNER instead.
And by the time you guys see this post, I'll be hearing news for the first option already.
Thanks for reading~~~
Monday, December 20, 2010
This Christmas
Pictures time

I had set up my Christmas tree by last Wednesday.
I didn't went for the class trip because my mother "didn't like it".
So, naturally I have plenty of time putting up the Christmas tree.
It's a family tradition~~~
But, this year.
This year, Mr.Lim Zhi Yan came over and help me put up this tree right after he finished his EST exam.
As you can see.
The tree's ornaments SUCK.
Big time.
But it's all better when you're seeing this tree in real person.
And all the present down there, I think only 10% is mine.
But it's all COOL~~~
I still got 4 present in line for me~~~
I'm such a HAPPY girl~~~
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My Blog
Dairy o(^-^)o
My baby blog.
My baby diary.
There's lot of stuff I'm gonna do.
And I'm gonna keep my faithful readers( joann and baby) posted by snapping lots of picture and posting it up~~~
(I've already made a list, shhh~~~)
p.s. I'm hungry now.
Why nobody's feeding me?
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