And I was like: DANG!
(Because initially he said: "girls with colorful nails......"
Then a very long pause.
I was starting to feel happy at that time.
Then he broke out: "I don't quite like...")
Because the last holiday, I had painted like 3 different kind of colours on my nail.
I mean, 3 different colours on one hand.
Who cares?
I certainly don't.
And this coming holidays, I'm going to paint that same 3 colour again.

1.) A single piece of nail art.

2.) Polka Dots, classy.

(All pictures are taken from the net.)
Now, how can you say you don't like what you're seeing.
We girls like nail art because it compliments our hand.
p.s. We'll get along just fine.
Just don't look at my hand~~~
p.s. We'll get along just fine.
Just don't look at my hand~~~
i like 9, 16 and 26 =) so cute ^^