Saturday, me and my mama went down to Port Dickson to celebrate my mom's cousin's mother's 88th birthday. It was a lunch celebration. We reached that placed by 2 something. Kay, we started our day with some fresh pit of flowers.
My cousins brother playing around the house.
My cousin brothers. Again.
Now, why is my post title called RED? Because, I absolutely love RED! Love it~~~ This is my feet. :) And all those allergies marks.
Me and Moe, she's eating.
Trying to take a picture. Stupid camera man.
Have you notice? Everyone in the picture are wearing PINK, cause this is my mom's cousins family gathering. I met so many unfamiliar faces. So in order to be unique, my family, we all agreed to wear pink. My aunt even said: " Must remember all these mother's cousin's children's faces ar, or you all could be dating your own family member." Hah.
The lunch ended at 5. We went back to our bangalow. We went for swimming then it's dinner time. Steamboat and BBQ dinner.
There were few more family members but they were outside 'bbq'ing. My seat is the empty seat where the little boy is trying to steal my place. Hah, I saw it. And now I have solid prove on my hand. Mua hahahaha.
I choosed this seat because I'm directly facing the Tom Yum pot. The other pot is the normal soup.
Guess what is this. A star? A smiley face? Hah, it's a fish ball. I mean, fish cake.
This cup of water my yima made for me. Don't know why I took this picture either.
My other yima tied this hair for me. You can't see it clearly but it's a pigtail. My yima called it Avatar hair.
Me and my cousin brother. We are watching 'Vampire Sucks'.

My pyjama. I absolutely adore this pants. I love it to death. It's RED and it's comfy.
p.s. I love RED.
p.s.s. I miss you throughout the trip.
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