Here goes:
Love = Taking Granted
Like how you take your mother for granted by asking her to take your friends home when you're on a outing? Or asking your parents for extra money because you had fairly over spend your allowance? Or like always getting moody with your loved one or best friends while you're always nice with others? Ah, can you identify now?
Because you love a thing and that that thing is always there, you'll slowly take the things you love for granted. And when you're about to lose it, you'll have a heart ache like hell.
I for one, had realized that lately I have a pronounced tendancy to bullied him a lot. I'd always coerced him, or fight with him until I won, or even insulting him for my own joy. Yup, I'm bad in that way. Well, I'm know I'm wrong and you know what? I'll try to behave myself from today onwards. Kay, bi? You're my best friend.
p.s. If I could have a superpower in my odinary life, I would gladly choose the power of Numb Feeling. So that I won't feel so much.
p.s.s. I WANT THIS!!!

Anyhow, adios, amigos. ^^
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