Sunday, April 25, 2010

10 things that give you Guilty Pleasure

1.) Going straight to bed when you come home after a long day of school and outing without taking a bath. You know you're damn dirty but because you're lazy, you just change your dirty outfit. Then you sleep like it's nobody business.

2.) Flirting with the opposite sex while you're attached. Yup, this so give you the qualification of guilty pleasure. It's like there's this voice going in your head:' Hey, this guy is cute, but HEY, I have a boyfriend, but who cares, me and cute guy is having a great conversation'. (Just an example, not saying I have ... or haven't.)

3.) Copying some other's idea then change it on the edge and make its yours. Yup, that feeling when you get a compliment about your idea when it's not yours to start from.

4.) Lying about something you've done and then change it 360 degrees into a different stories with different synopsis. It's not like you've done something wrong that you couldn't confess, it's just that you're just concealing the truth with a different plot.

5.) That song "According to You" by Orianthi, I'm sorry but how pointless is this song? The lyrics are so clichéd, the melody is common but I tell you, I know the lyrics from head to toes. And every time it comes out on the radio, I would sing along. So it's like liking something you dislike?

6.) Having good grades when you haven't work hard at all. Maybe it's luck or any superficial thing you wanna call. Just like you know you're having a important test tomorrow but you're still bonding with your tv.

7.) Telling some others that you haven't put on make-up when you actually have a layer of foundation on your thick face. Or in any case, telling other's something you haven't done but you have did it in reality.

8.) Having a secret relationship that's unknown from the public?

9.) Eating other's people food. Opps, 'where have my cheese cake gone'? Hey, there's a smudge on the tip of my mouth.

10.) Writing this list. I tell you, I'm so going to hell when I die by doing this kinda sins. But hey, if I really go to hell, I probably will meet Elvis there too.

So, why not?
After all, it's guilty pleasure.
You're suppose to feel guilty to have the pleasure(like initiating sex or worse having sex?).
Forgive me for not being a represser, but hey at least I'm honest about my intention.

Anyhow, that's Li Shien for you.

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