Just came back.
I always like holidays.

Moemi and me. Am at my mother's brother house. That makes me my uncle. We do it all the year every time on the first day of CNY. The picture was taken with Moemi's phone, don't know why it turns out so white.

Last destination of the day, my mother's uncle house. So it's my granduncle. Don't know. I think we got there by 8 something after dinner at Mamak. Moemi, me, Natasha and Manami. That girl, Natasha that sat on my lap, SHE'S LIKE SO CUTE. о(ж>▽<)y ☆ She's eight years old. And she smells good too. If I have a daughter, she'll be like Natasha. Okay, so not the point.
p.s. As usual, there's more people there, but some are camera shy while other picture looks not so attractive.
p.s.s. HAPPY CNY and HAPPY V DAY~~~ (⌒¬⌒*)
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