Not going to there first, I want to explain where have I been for not blogging for quite some time.
On Christmas eve, went out with Khee to ts, then dinner with family at Delicious.
On Christmas day, went to Segamat that is in Johor to celebrate Christmas with my dad's family.
Second day of Christmas, went down to Kulai that is in Johor too to stay in a church.
Third day of Christmas, went to an organic farm in Kahang, Kluang.
Forth day of Christmas, I'm finally back home at night.
(According to my brother, he said that Christmas has twelve days. So, technically today is Christmas day too)
On all those Christmas day, summing up of what I've done: bought a same bag with Khee, starting to dislike the food in Delicious, didn't get to open my present underneath the Christmas tree, sat three hours in a car, my grandma couldn't recognize me, sing, pray, ate a burger, sat another three hour in car, amazed by how the drummer boy was( I am not talking about looks here, because if I am I would say that his older brother who is older than me by a few years whose playing guitar is way more good looking, so this drummer guy, he is this guy who plays the drum for the church, I was "studying" him and he doesn't have a score, he just listen to the music then he just play out the beats the he wants and the beat fits perfectly, so I say I'm truly amazed by how flexible this drummer boy is), met some orphan, fed some fish, sing, pray, sat in the car for two hours more, rode a boat, rode a sampan, play in mud water, ate some organic food, rode on bicycle, felt the wind on my face, came home.
As for this year 2009.
Actually I couldn't remember much, but I'm happy to be in s4.
Happy to have gotten into Pengawas by chance.

Happy to be voted as president for Choir even thought I know I'm doing a lousy job.

Happy to have laugh so much this year.

Happy to have cried.

Happy to have met some unfriendly friends, for without them I wouldn't have grown stronger and I wouldn't have know that humans are capable of doing such awful things.
-Friends who think highly of itself, friends who always blow me off, friends who are cowards who couldn't even tell me the truth itself and lie to me or find some lame reason ( their reason is so lame that I would be an imbecile to have believe them, and if I collect all of those excuses, I could publish my own book and become world wide famous like JK Rowling, hmm, The World Lamest Excuses, what do you think?) so that they feel satisfied and not guilty with themselves, etc.-

Happy to known so many great friends that are to keep and who made me see new things in different way.
-Friend who told me that I bring happiness to her( you know who you are) and always give me encouragement, friend who agree with me even thought she doesn't like that decision very much( bag incident, you know who you are too) and calls me back whenever she sees my sms no exception, friends who bought me a big Patrick because they know how much I love it( yup, it's you guys, thanks), friend who still remember me and treat me as her little sister even thought we have not met in a very long time now( I think you know who you are, the only one sister who calls me 宝贝 while sms-ing), friends who would always ask me to join along with them when they go out( you guys), friends who support me during my piano exam, friends who remember my birthday, friends who really took the time to get to know me, and lastly for those friends who care to spend time with not anyone else in the world but me.-

Happy to have known that I still like some amazing things.

Happy to know that I have an aim/goal in life now.
(* Not that I want to get married.)

Happy to know that I still love to look up to the sky and watch the stars silently.

Happy to have such great family who love me no matter what happens.
-We are humans, as for so we have our faults and all.
And sometimes it get really hard and heart breaking.
But Family members have the capacity to forgive.-

Happy to have known that what's in the past, let it go. And that there' nothing to worry about in the future, because what really matter is now, today, that's why is call present.

And at last happy to know that I've change my taste in one way or another.

I would not said that I had grow more maturely in this year, but I would say that I had learned many unteachable lesson and I certainly had enjoy myself this year.

And as for me, I'm still trying to understand myself better than I did yesterday.
And now I'm really liking the long hair me.
And now I'm really liking the long hair me.

Though all these involved laughing-until-stomach-aches and bulging-eyes-from-crying, I still think it's a very fair trade.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
p.s. You never know what great things is waiting ahead for you.
One and Only : StyleWalker & Miss Dorky aka ShieN
Sweet memory ,isn't it?