Yup, today...... I'm still very BLUR that's why I used the word 'weird' for today's title. I'm so blur that until it's so weird for me. (><;) As you all know, I leave some of my book in the pengawas room, and this morning, after signing in, I took out my time table to take the text books back to class. Then I saw it... PJ!!! A big big word in my time table... And I freaking forgot to bring my pj clothes to school today. Hah!!! How smart... Luckily Amanda's clothes is at XiaoYing there, and the pants I borrow from HueyYi. Oh my... Thank GOD... Haiz...
Recess time, I'm guarding for the boys toilet again. After the bell rang, I heard a group of guys laughing. So I went over to check it out, and to my surprise, they were the same group of guys in my few previous posts. There was 1 guy being tied to the 'tiang' with some strings. I was like what the? I can understand why they're laughing coz it's so hilarious. I help to untie the one that was tied onto the 'tiang'. And it turns out that I was not helping out at all and I was making the tie even more stronger, sorry lor, I don't know how to untie the knot ma... Crazy group of guys...
Feels weird knowing that I'm so blur. Feels weird that I got to know that group of people. Still feeling weird that people I don't know are calling my name to chat with me. And it feels even weirder coz I want to go cut my hair short. Hah!
p.s. I am not a superwoman, I cannot be in two place at a time. Sorry for those I blew of my promises to. Aiming high to be a Wedding Planner.
WEIRD!!! ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
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