Friday, July 24, 2009


Don't know why, couldn't sleep, decided to write something. Hah, running out of ideas lately. These days, it's kinda boring too. Nothing excited happen. I mean, I kinda wish to see some scenes that are only acted out in movies. There was a convention for application for college and university, me and Mei went to a few of the booth. Mei was going to take engineering and I... Well, I'm not sure yet... Um, business and interior design, I guess...

I'm not worry about my future, I know that I can be what I what coz this is my life. But what about my friends? Mei wants to go for STPM(form 6), I want to go for A levels. Guess that we all are going to separate path way in not too long time...

Damn, I'm already starting to MISS my friends now.

Hah, why am I suddenly so emo? No, I'm not going to cry when we are separated, that's my promise to myself. I mean it was hard enough for me, during last year year end holiday, Amanda and Man came to my house during the last day of school. When they was going back home, I was leaning against the door asking the both of them:"When will we meet again?" The two of them smiled at me and said:" Silly girl, we can meet up anytime we want". Ya, haha, maybe.

So, why am I fussing about now? Guess I love you all too much to ever let you all go... Man, Mei...... There are still time, let's all enjoy it and not let any of these moments past through our fingers.

I'm okay~~ I'm really all right~~~ Life is ours to be spend not to be saved. We'll all FLY higher than the weather. Coz we are FIGHTING DREAMERS!!! We can damn well do anything!

Love, love you all. ALWAYS.

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