We ate some normal WanTanMien. Hah! Ya, tha's our malaysian's SOBA. After that, went to give tuition to Bridget for like straight two hours. Damn tired...

I was doing laundry just now. And I happen to catch a glimpse at the sky. So far, I could only see one stars, but it's okay. I always have a fond of seeing stars at night, but don't know why I don't have much interest in it lately.
There were a few persons who would see the stars with me. Well, technically, we would be 'sms'ing or chatting through the phone, where I would be sitting at my house balcony, and I would ask them to see the stars with me through the phone.
Maybe I don't want to see the stars now coz it would remind me of all those person who had watched the star with me. Maybe it's because it would bring out memory of how our conversation went on about the stars. Or maybe... Just maybe... I don't like seeing the stars now, it's because I don't want to look back onto the past anymore......
Actually it's all boys that had been watching the stars with me... All of these guys had the common point, we used to be romantically involved with each other. I mean, not all boys involved with me, but one guy at a time. At that time, they would be like your best friend whose always by your side, cheering you up all the time, telling you jokes just to make you laugh... Then out of the blues, they'll tell you actually they've like you for a very long time... And there's where all the fun end... I have actually no intention being their girl friends. It was so obvious-大哥只是掩饰. Then after all the drama and explanation, we would just become plain friends again who you'll say high in school but not smsing through the phone anymore. Ain't that sucks?
Don't know... I want to see the stars with someone now... Really want to find someone right... I'm counting on the stars alone now... Maybe it's my problem I'm still single now. Maybe all I'm looking for it's just FUN. But I know myself through and out, I do want a boyfriend who understand me and makes me laugh, I don't want just someone just to get me through the night. Feels that I'm not having a boyfriend it's all my fault. From having someone to watch the stars to counting the stars alone. How nice. Get my drift? Haiz, I'm even confusing myself... Until then~~~
p.s. Teckkiong told me last Friday that he will be going to London not long after SPM. And the first reaction to this news was like I'm actually trying hard to control my tears. I was furiously wiping my tears away... I was even crying hearing him said things like that, I really could not imagine what would it be like at that day at the airport. TeckKiong was all like:" Shien ar, don't cry lar. What happen o? What's wrong with you?" Crazy guy, don't say goodbye just yet. Friendships don't come easily.
For my future boyfriend:(Haha(≡^∇^≡))
I wish on the stars that somewhere you are thinking of me too. I know we will meet someday.
I still want to go to the ZOO.
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