A very relax day. Got Sivik and RC for today. It was okay. I felt like sleeping the whole time. I was sleeping in the morning then that crazy Wong TeckKiong keep playing with me. Crazy guy, be normal okay? Is the exam effecting you brain? Wahahahaha!!! I'm so bad! When we are going to start the exam, Khee sang the Nobody song to me. And I got very high and I started dancing and singing that song. Then KahLun and funny guy suddenly sang very loudly from behind(because they sat at the last row), so everyone in the class is kinda like laughing. Then the conversation below happened:-
SY:" If you think you can sing better than the two of them( funny guy& KahLun), then sing now.
Shien:" Huh?"
FG:" She's very coward de lar."
KH:" Ya lar, she don't dare to sing de lar."
(SY=SoonYong, FG=FunnyGuy, KH=KahLun)
What o? Who will sing in the middle of the class and in the middle of an exam. Then I said recess time, recess time I'll sing. Then in the recess time, I totally forgot about it coz I went to eat with Khee and Man. I like to stay in the canteen and eat and talking to my friends during the recess time, I don't know, I just like the feeling. Then after school came, then they taunt me about not singing. Okay~~~ It's okay. They're quite funny.
Ohh~~~ Mei turned so white lately. I mean not sick that kind of white, but leng lui that kind of white. I wonder what does she use for her face ar? One week ago, she was darker than me, and now she's whiter than me. Om my god! So "jealous". I also want that. Give me a piece of that! Haha~ Haiz, beautiful girl is not the same the lar. Khee and Man said that now is the "black-skin" people time because of the Obama. Haha~~~ Funny lar~~~
Went back home after exam today. Hmmm, last day of exam tomorrow.
I had so much fun today showing the "Nobody" and "Last farewell" dance move to Khee, YuanHao and YongHuai. Don't know is it because of my dance move is very funny or something, they keep laughing the whole time. I like to see my best friends happy~~~
Add on- Went to toilet with Mei today. Ahh, I know it's a very common thing to do with your friends, but I feel like I have not made any contact with her during these few days, so I though of writing it down in my post.
Holiday? No, please don't come.
Went to my "CheChe-Jo Ann" blog today. She wrote this sometimes about two weeks ago when we went for singing the last last Friday:
" hoho nth much. went out wif my boubuii li shien. whoa it's been so long i din met u since..lz year? XD so after skul. take a bus to chonga hwa to pick up lil li shien. XD den wo took monorail to times square. end up with we sing at redbox low yat coz all fully booked==ok...~".
So happy to see that, she called me BouBuii. And she called me lil(little), oh~~~~ She called me 'lil'. I mean I am her little sister, but to see her write like that... Ahh~~~ So moved and touched. I mean she is my best friend from primary school till now. I think she knows me the best. Love ya, jo~
My fortune cookie today:" Love is a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs." Yup, totally agree. Well, the 'ups' time are surely the happy time, but I think the 'downs' times makes the relationship even stronger between the both of them coz they got to be sure of how they feel.
p.s. Which choice should I choose? Must add many many many oil tomorrow~
An pic of Me and Jo last last Friday. God, I look so ugly in this pic. I seriously like the mic very much coz looking at the way I'm holding onto the mic. Haha~ I took it from Jo's blog. Hope that you won't mind. Sorry ya~~~ Why does my best friends is always so crazily beautiful?
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