Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Future is Coming Soon

Today was the last paper.
Now I'm what?
Officially graduated from my foundation programme.

I don't know what to feel. YET.
I think I'm a little dense sometimes.



 Me (or in this picture, my leg). My notes. My pencil box. In the library.

A few of my friends. I was grinning like crazy because I was perspiring like hell and yet the cameraman was still fooling around.

A few of us are evidently closer to one but not others.
Overall, we did good as a group.

Everyone is going a hundred different direction, but I'm glad I'll have friends that are doctors, dentists and physiotherapists.
I'm thinking way too far now.

I think deep down I'd already miss them.
But the feelings haven't been interpreted by my head yet.

Foundation is gone now.
Degree here I come.

Until September that is.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wish Jar

Yes, it will come true. はーと

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'll never have this

I know I'll never buy a camera this kind, but my friend let me had my 15 seconds of ouuuu-I'm-a-photographer.

Ate Snowflakes 3 times this week. Seriously addicted.

p.s. Wanna go Snowflakes with me?

p.s.s. No wonder I got 5 books for the price of 40, it's freaking literature.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


白羊: 啊啊, 是谁是谁,打电话直说嘛,这么磨及,有这功夫都恋上 了.

金牛: 他/她不是在开我玩笑吧\?先用别人电话查查,谨慎点好.

双子: 切~~ 谁来这套,陪你玩到底\"我心里也一直有你,你知道吗\" 搞到最后,对方都不知道谁在暗恋谁~~

巨蟹: 什么,有人爱我\? 不会是逗我玩的吧,妈妈说现在拿短信骗人的可多了,再等等看,表轻信啦.

狮子: 哦,看来我的魅力真是无人可敌,唉,没办法谁让我这么有吸引力呢.




射手:啊啊,爱我, 好,回个电话,明天见面吧.


水瓶:let it be~~ 有无数种可能,所以最好还是表动它,让它保留一种美好的感觉..

双鱼: 嗯,是不是隔壁班上的那个谁\?昨天路过那时,我就看它眼神不对.嗯,也可能是XX, 它上次就说要想一块出去玩....那我以后要不要跟它结婚呢....唉,真麻烦。

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Accidental Discovery

I felt like I'd just won a lottery ticket.

I was randomly selecting files from my phone and I had just discovered a way to post pictures from my phone.

Joy to the world!

May the rumble begin.

 One of the days in the class.

 Me and Jelly baby in the gym room.

Finally, my first ever prom night slash annual dinner. Since I had missed my high school's prom, it was only natural for me to anticipate so much from this annual dinner instead. Danced with so many of my friends. It was AWESOME!

Went singing with JoAnn some time back. My favorite - Janice.

Became one of the bridesmaids for FeiFang's sister alongside with Little Ru and Evan last Sunday. Damn fun.

My future daughter will definitely owns a few traits like Sonia here. SUPER CUTE!

Will be posting a lot more soon since I'd found a way to upload pictures now.


Until then.