(If you're curious about my friends, click on their name and you'll go straight to their blogs.)
Dear readers, WOOOHOOOOOOO.
Friday has finally come.
It means that I'd went through this week.
And I'm ALIVE.
A little update on my week.

Monday, my first report is finally completed. Look how pretty it is, my baby report is all grown up now.

During break time,
Jay wanted to take pictures. But I kept running around so she held me in this position.

The 3 of us had already agreed to wear Baju Kurung on Monday, so we took a picture to remember this day.

Tuesday, we were doing chemistry tutorial. And this question starts with : "A pharmacist wanted to prepare...". A PHARMACIST. Then
Jay wrote my name on it. HAHAHAHA. I like it.

And that day was special because this is the first time all of us who were taking the bus back to Bangsar Lrt have a seat to sit in. It would be so crowded on normal days that it's lucky for us to even get on the bus.

And that crazy Sally scratched me. It's actually accidental.

Wednesday finally came. This is one of our presentation that we need to do. We need to print out a Mahjong paper size poster. And if you look closely, on the third line there, there's a BABY that I drew in front of the 'cervix' word. When I came home and checked on the poster on Tuesday night, I was so shocked to find a typo error in it. I don't have time to change it again and we need to present it on Wednesday. So I fell into a soap stage, and I drew a baby on the 'i' that were wrongly put.

Jelly drew this and paste it on our poster.

Here, this is how our poster look like. We got 'Child Birth' for my group title. We pasted ours on our classroom wall with ten others poster. The size is actually bigger than Mahjong paper.

Thursday, thank god. This is when we had finished our Leukemia presentation and chemistry assessment.

Jay, Sally and
Jelly are so happy that we finally went through our presentation smoothly.

Jay in McDonald during our lunch break.

Jelly lined up her fries on her fillet and she ate them together.

Me and
Jay waiting for the last lesson of the day, English.

And Larry has a SPONGEBOB on his bag. Wow. Is it cute or what?

And since we need to connect our laptop to the projector for our presentation, the boys went and plug 'the game' ( I think is Dota or something) onto the screen. See how the boys crowded the front part. Ai, boys and their games.
So, to sum up everything.
I'd got through 1 report.
And I still have 7 more.
I had got through our poster presentation that had once made me cried.
I had got through our Leukemia presentation that had made me so nervous.
And I'm ready to take on anything now.
I want to share something.
I named this post title 'I'd never told you'.
Because I'd never told my friends that I wanted to become a pharmacist.
During 16, I wanted to become a Wedding Planner so so bad.
And I'd told the whole world about it.
But when I came to 17, everything changed.
I still remember that moment clearly.
It was mid year of form 5.
And I was in tuition class.
Miss Pakia was teaching us about the last chapter of form 5 Chemistry.
She was explaining everything about the three classification of medicine.
That moment I was sitting it that room.
I remember thinking to myself :
"Wow, so this is what medicine can do. It's like magic. A pill so small could make such difference. Isn't medicine cool or what?"
And from that moment on.
I knew.
I knew I had fell in love with it.
I knew I wanted to do something related medicine.
I knew this is what I want for the rest of my life.
It may seem ironic because just a few moments before that I wanted to do something else so badly.
That particular feeling I can't really explain.
It's like seeing your crush in school.
Butterflies in the stomach, but you're still willing to indulge in that moment.
I went home that day, and I asked Boyfriend what's the name for someone who deal with medicine.
And he said those magic words:
"A Pharmacist".
"That's it", I said to him.
"I want to become a Pharmacist".
Boyfriend was the first one I told to.
And it took some time for my mother to accept it.
Because the course cost a lot.
Even during SPM time, she was asking me to change my mind and take on business course.
She didn't approve it until I took my results.
My father and my brother know about it.
And I'm pretty sure I'd told my bestie
JoAnn about it.
I'd never talked about it with other souls other than the 4 of them.
The dream seem so absurd that I'd feel ashamed to share about it with my fellow classmate or even friends.
I was afraid that the negativity thought would overcome my will.
So, I held on to that feeling and I started to walk to the direction towards pharmacy.
And everything turned out all right.
In fact, everything turned out perfect.
Thanks to Boyfriend's constant encouragement.
He was the one who offered me his hand when I'm sunk into the hole.
He shared my dream with positive energy.
He pushed me to that right direction and made sure I stayed on the right path.
He make me want to become a better person.
He made me a better person.
He simply just love me.
And thanks to my mother for her constant affection even though I was so stubborn.
I am on the right track now.
So, here is my story.
And I have a picture to show my apologies.

Sorry friends. :)
Thanks for reading, byeeeeeeeee.