A Hairy Tale
It all started one day when Little Mary woke up from a sweet dream.
She dreamt that she had long ash brown hair that would sweep the floor gracefully whenever she walks by.
Now Little Mary had just had her hair cut yesterday.
As her mother was an unprofessional hair stylist that love to experiment on various hairs.
Little Mary prepared to go to school full of hope.
As she was on a public bus, she saw this tall girl who was sitting in front of her.
And the moment Little Mary set her eyes on the tall girl, she never wanted to have long hair since.
Here's a picture of what Little Mary saw.

Poor Little Mary.
She got the shock of her life.
The tall girl went on her life as normal as the sun is still shining.
The end.
Now let's interview the writer of The Hairy tale, shall we?
Reporter :" Whoaaa, you have the same kind of hair as The Tall Girl does."
Writer :" Yes, yes. But I would like to call it art instead."
The interview thing isn't going really well.
Back to me.
I go to school any other day looking like this.
I didn't thought it would cause any problem, but apparently my friends they will always ask me to tidy up my hair.
And I would always give them the same response.
"It's all right, the class is going to end soon."
And sooner or later, they stopped asking all together.
Just like my high school classmates or even Boyfriend.
A Hairy Tale, ladies and gentleman.
p.s. After all, I'm just going to school, not anywhere glamorous.
But I guess, even if I'm in somewhere swanky, I'll still look the same.
That's LiShien for you.
crazziness. now DONT cartoonize that too :P