Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sweet About ME
Let's see, Khee, Man, TeckKiong, OnnKit and some more friends has join in the "Hey, Let's make fun of Shien" club today.
I'm not dumb okay? I'm actually very smart de.
How old do you think I am?
Sixteen, okay.
Not SIX!
Don't get me wrong.
I just like to act dumb.
Maybe I'm smart on the inside.
But, hey, who cares?
I like myself the way I am, no doubt.
Maybe I'm wild, naive, crazy.
But, hey, that's what so sweet about me.
p.s. NO! I don't have a freaking boyfriend. Why do people always think like that? I'm FREAKING SINGLE and it shames me to have to say this out loud. But it's the truth. I'm not dating anyone. I'm not seeing anyone. And I'm definitely not attached to anyone. Stop misunderstanding. How can I have a boyfriend if I don't even talk about him whatsoever?
p.s.s. NO!!! I'm not playing facebook, msn, friendster or whatsoever. If you found any one's profile name "Cute Wong". That is definitely not me. I'm not that vain to use CUTE to describe myself. Coz last time I check, I'm not cute, I'm 笨. I'm just don't think that posting your pictures on a website to know more friends is a very good idea. So, again, don't misunderstand.
GOSH!!! How many times do I have to make myself clear? NO BOYFRIEND! NO FACEBOOK/FRIENDSTER PROFILE!!!
Have a nice day~~~ ( ̄▽ ̄)=3
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Crazy Friends/Family+I'm Normal

Monday, September 28, 2009
I Hate Rainy Days+Ah Mak
I really don't like rainy days. (ノ◇≦。)
And thank you, Ah Mak, every year birthday wouldn't be without you.
And thank You for lending me your umbrella even if that means you must go home in the rain.
p.s. Thanks ya, Man.
Hah, really thought you forgot my birthday dy.
I'm always moved by you once in a while every time when I'm with you.
Thank you very much!!!
I love you, baby!
( And thank you for finally acknowledging me as Mrs.KimJaeJoong. Hah~)
I like this FIGHTING DREAMERS phrase so much.
Hah, aiming high to become a wedding planner. (≡^∇^≡)
(The loveliest day comes when you wake up to find that love still colors your world through people who truly care and never fail to remember you.
I really got know know who are those who truly cares for me. And for them I wanna thank them and love them with all my heart.
And other fakers, ouch, get out of my life, coz you're not welcome anymore.)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Am I?

Kara-Jung Nicole. Awww~~~ She makes me wanna go cut short hair right here right now. Cute cute gal~~~
And of course you all know him-Mr Kim JaeJoong from DBSK. Whom I'm engaged to. Okay, snap out of it, I know you'll be saying it to me. Look carefully at his shirt-it's writing "We love JJ". JJ which is he himself. Aww~~~ Of course we love you, jaejoong.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A very simple sweet sixteen+Shien's Birthday
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to ME~~~~~
Happy birthday to me.
Hah, today was really hectic also.
Woke up at ten something.
After getting ready, went for my piano lesson.
Then lunch with my mother and godmothers.
Then facial with mama.
Hah, last routine.
Dinner with my own family members.
A very simple way to celebrate my birthday.
But I like it very much.
Let's see some pictures, shall we?

Although I had already replied all those who had wished me happy birthday, I still would like to said it here out loud one more time.
Sweet Sixteen~~~
I got my hand bag, got my cake, got my Patrick. What more could I ask for? See see see!!! Now My husband is singing birthday song for me.Oh my~~~ I totally melted every time I see this video.
Jaejoong is the one with white t-shirt and black vest, the one who is in the middle and the one who is singing all those song.
The first song is sung by all five of DBSK.
Then there's 3 version.
R&B, Trot and Rock.
I personally like the ROCK version better.
Don't you just love him?
I just want to go and hug him right away.
Anyway, thank you ya, my lovely Mr.Kim for wishing me happy birthday.
You got me jumping like a crazy clown.
I used to think maybe you love me.
Now baby I'm sure.
I feel the love.
I feel the love that's really real.
I am in love and it's a crying shame.
I'm in love with all of you.
Feel so wicked loving like OHH.
Thank you GOD for creating such a wonderful life for me.
No where you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
Happy to be me~~~
Oh ya, happy birthday to me~~~
Friday, September 25, 2009
I couldn't say thanks anymore
If you scroll down to the next post, you'll see what I've been up to today.
Just wanna say a few things for few of my friends.
YetFeng- Hah, was really surprised when you asked me out to see a movie yesterday. Sorry I was so late when I reached Ts. You moved me once more today. Didn't know that I was on your mind. Really thought that no one remember my birthday. Or you all had just forgotten about me. Thank you for your sense of gentlemen, for paying the ticket for me. Thanks ya. Thank you for caring so much when you know that I haven't eaten lunch. And thank you for giving me time to come to Ts when I was so clearly late. Thank you~~~
XiuKeong- Hah, sorry I was late ya. When I got there, you were preparing to go home already coz you have tuition. And the reason you stayed was because you wanted to see me once before you go off. I think that's very sweet of you. And when you said I had gotten more leng lui, I was really happy, because we really haven't seen each other much in school. Thank you~~~
WeiXuan- What more could I say? You are the one who always plan to celebrate my birthday with me. I had know that you want to spent more time with me today, but I was running late to see my mother dy. Sorry ya~~~
XinYi- You came! Hah! You came to celebrate my birthday. Because it's me, that's' why you come. Hah, the picture we took came out pretty nice even though I was rushing off. Thank you~~ Oh ya~~~ Thanks for the Patrick too~~~
HaoYuan- Hah, you remembered my birthday this year. Thank you for coming and thank you for the oversize Patrick. Seriously. I have never seen such a big Patrick in my life before. Thank you for coming and I'm sorry that I'm late.
BoonFei- Umm, thank you is all I could said to you. Never seen you go out much, and I'm really surprised that you came today. Thanks ya. And thanks for the giant Patrick that the four of you brought for me.
JaiDing- Hah! Silly guy! When you know that I was rushing home, you run from Low Yat to Sw just to see me before I go home. You said that it was to celebrate my birthday but without seeing me is not celebrating at all. Oh my... Thank you for your thought and thank you for the Patrick.
p.s. Don't worry. Patrick is very safe with me here. I will take good care of him. Hah~~~
Why am I getting so mushy when my birthday is not even here yet?
I could not say thanks anymore coz what you all had done for me, in return is more than just a simple thanks.
All the love I get, I'll give it back to you all ten times more.
I love you all~~~
Thank you for letting me know how much I mean to you all and that you all have not forgotten my birthday~~~
(Wanna play a game? Count how many times I have said 'thanks' or 'thank you' in this post. Hah~~~ Just kidding~~~)
Oversize Patrick
I woke up at six something to have breakfast with mama and koko.
When I came back home, I had practised my piano since I'm having piano lesson soon.
Go to my piano class at 1.45pm.
Piano class ended at 3pm.
I'm freaking late to meet with 3s(2008) folks.
Got to ts.
Saw that G-force(3d version).
Took some picture with XYi( did I spell her name right?)
Came back home.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
My heart say thanks
Khee-Thank you for all the things you had done. Hah, really thought that no one would remember my birthday this year coz its at holiday. The one who took care of me the most is always you. What can I say more? I love you, baby!!!
Loong, Loon, Lun, Hao-Hah, thank you for coming and celebrating my birthday with me ya~
All of you, you all are always on my mind. Hah~~~ Hope that my hugs to you all yesterday had sent all of my sincerest thanks to you all. Too bad we didn't take much picture. Aww~~~ Nvm. Next time. There sure be a next time. Thank you ar~~~ I love you all too much~~~
Amanda & HYi- Hah, when you all ask me what I want to eat last week, I said:Korean food. And you all really took me there. Hah, thank you for paying the bills for me too. We'll make it through. Everything will be all right. Thanks ya, both of you. Haven't sat down and talk like that with the two of you a long time dy.
Thank you for paying the karaoke bills.
Thank you for paying the Korean food bills.
Life without you all would be no life at all.
Love You!!!
p.s. Now thinking back maybe birthday at holiday is not a bad thing at all.
Birthday Celebration+Dinner
In the morning, I meant afternoon, I meet up with s4 folks they all. They were Khee, YHao, Loong, Loon, Lun. We went to sing k first. Then all of the sudden, in the k room, the waiter brought in a cake. You know what happen next. Then the six of us went for bowling. Then Sushi King.
At six something, I rushed back to Wangsa Maju to meet with HueyYi and Manda. We went for a nice Korean BBQ dinner. After that, we shop around Korean town a little bit. Got back home at ten something.

Cheers, everyone~~~