Ya, after posting in this morning, I went for my dentist. And apparently, I'm not pulling my teeth out today for the braces. Today was just plain cleaning(my teeth). The dentist was a guy and he was like:" Tak sakit, tak sakit." Hah, okay, maybe I do look scared. I'm due to get back to the dentist next Saturday for the x-ray before putting the braces on.
After that, mama sent me to yima house to pick up Moe(my cousin) to go to 1u to celebrate her birthday~~~ We took puri kura(da tou tie) twice, coz the second time was free. Came back home after that, and now here I am. I did enjoyed myself but I'm very tired now.
Pics Pics Pics!!!
This is called Hoagies. Ya, it's pronouce 'Hoo gees'. It actually kinda like sandwich but it's more tasty than the normal sandwich. Mine is beef hoagies. It's real nice.
Me and Moe puri kura~~~ I look so small...

Today on the way going back home, I said" I actually enjoy singing and music very much." Then my mama said:" Ya, I can see that. You are not afraid to be who you are. I mean, you're comfortable in your own skin". Wuu waaa~~~ So happy ar~~~
p.s. I saw a group of girls definitely YOUNGER than me, waking and holding their boyfriends hand with make-up on. Oh my... 。(´д`lll) I felt so defeated!!! I was like so much older than they all, but I have no make-up on. Should I considering wearing make-up from today onwards? Maybe I'll be pretty too...
云は 形変わっても 云に変わりなくて
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