Friday, July 17, 2009

Because of ME~~~

Oh my, feel so HAPPY today~~~ No need to say more. PICTURES time!!!

Went for the running in the morning. This pic is after the run. Haha, if you saw Khee in person, you can see that her face is like tomato after running. Too CUTE~~~ (*⌒∇⌒*)

After the run, 6 of them came to my house~~~ Haha, all of our bags are here~~~

There were lots and lots of junk food here. I like 'Lays' the most. Try it some times. Of course there are other snacks too~ Haha, everyone finish it up so fast~~~

Finally our McDonald delivery came~~~ We all call for Chicken Mcdeluxe.

My cute Ying~~~

There's me sleeping on my Mei's leg. So relax ar~~~

The three of them are fascinated by my computer. Haha~~~

There's Man resting and YuanHao on my sofa~~~

We're playing cards~~~

We're all TALKING and CHATTING away~~~

Mei talking on the phone~~~

The 7 of us~~~ Me, Man, Mei, Khee, YinYing, XiaoYing and YuanHao~~~

Hugging my Mei~~~

After finishing our Mc~~~

Damn, I'm actually speechless now. I mean, you all make me so happy. Actually it's because of me, the 6 of you agree to come to my house. Because I ask so, that's why you guys came~~~ Thankssss( my tears are streaming down my cheeks now, so TOUCHED~~~).

Man- glad to see that you're back to normal today~~~ I'm actually very happy when you said that you would come. Love ya so much~~~ Ahh, forgot to take pictures with you ar...

Mei- I'm shocked too that you would come coz you're having tuition at 3. Thank you so much~~~ You sacrifice your time to rest to come to my house to be with me~~~ What more could I say, LOVE you~~~

Khee- thank you too~~~ Really, you saying that you would come very mean a lot to me~~~ LOVE YA!!! Got to know you better today~~~

XiaoYing- you seem easily offended today. Haha, what happen? Anyway, glad that you came~~~ Love for you too~~~

YinYing- you too~~~ Did you have a good time here? Certainly hope you did!!! Love!!!

YuanHao- Haha, what can I say? You're the only guy today, and you seem so uneasy or should I say so unrelax in the beginning. Anyway, thanks ya~~~ Love for you too, of course~~~

p.s. While Khee and I are running, LOON run past us and said:"JaiYou JiaYou!!!" Oh my... I melted at that scene. Okay, maybe he was talking to Khee, but who cares? He said JIAYOU! It came out of his mouth. Oh my.... So touched~~~

Although SoonYong did come at the end, but he went home after sitting not long. Thank you too~~~

Oh my.. I just couldn't stop saying thank you!!! What's wrong with me? Stop it, brain stop it! I went up and down the hills like for 9 times today coz I need to send them down the hills to the petrol station. ( ̄ー ̄;First was for Mei with Khee, then send YuanHao & Man with Khee, then XiaoYing with Khee. Up up down down. I must have lost a lot of weight today~~~

I know you all came for me today, and I really want to say that I really appreciate you guys for it~~~ I had a great time today, I certainly enjoy myself~~~ Because of me, you all did it because of me~~~ I really feel the sincerity from you guys today~~~

p.s. I REALLY LOVE YOU ALL! REALLY!!!~~~ (///∇//)

Thank You Very Much!!!

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