I saw this tag from here, so here goes.
1.) Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
Yes, cute. For me, a kiss on the forehead is a sign of affection from the guy like he's showing he really wanna protect me or take good care of me (as to a kiss on the lips is a sign of intimacy).
2.) A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
I would go for a short party dress normally, but definitely a big poofy dress for the wedding dress.
3.) Are diamonds a girl's best friend?
Well, I do not own one yet, so I shall refrain myself from answering this question. But when I earn enough money in the future, I'll definitely buy myself a diamond bracelet, then I'll get back to this question.
4.) Is your hair up or down today?
The fringe part is up, others are down.
5.) Do you straighten your hair?
Nope. But I have this one friend who would really like to do it for me.
6.) Favourite mascara?
Maybelinne, I think? Cause I had only tried this brand so far.
7.) Do you get your nails done?
Nope, I do it myself.
8.) Small or large purse?
Definitely large.
9.) Jeans or sweats?
Jeans (I'm currently into pastel color jeans).
10.) Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewellery that's uncomfortable?
Nope, I love clothing that are comfortable.
11.) Do you text a lot?
Nope, as my Whatsapp status reads:" I'm a lazy ass texter, unless you're cute or I like you ". I prefer meeting up and chatting away.
12.) What's your favorite color?
Red has been my all time favorite. But pastel has been crawling up the list currently.
13.) Heels or flats?
FLATS. I love to imagine myself as a ballerina when I'm wearing cute flats.
14.) Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
Yes, on a daily basis. But lately I had learnt that it is best to put on sunscreen whenever you're out to protect your skin.
15.) Walmart or Target?
I guess this question is for those who are in the States. So, I'm gonna skip this.
16.) Do you think lip gloss is the best?
Nope, just like the name, it's much too glossy.
17.) Do you own any big sunglasses?
Yes, one, pastel pink.
18.) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Well, bathroom time and all, 20 minutes?
19.) Gold or Silver?
Definitely Silver.
20.) Do you like to wear dress?
Yes, I love dresses. But I prefer shorts on a normal basis.
21.) In the last 48 hours have you hung out with guys?
Yes, a bunch of guys (actually they're my high school mates, they came for a steamboat party at my house 16 hours ago).
22.) Do you like to hold hands?
Yes, yes, yes.
23.) What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
His height.
24.) Do you like making eye contact?
I think so?
25.) Would you kill for chocolate?
What is this? No. No. NO.
26.) On a scale from 1-10, how fun is shopping?
Well, depends on the amount of money I have, a 9.
27.) Do you yell a lot?
Ya, when people scares me.
28.) Do you wear sweatpants/pyjamas to school/work?
I wish I could do that without being caught. Hahahar.
29.) Have you ever dress unlike yourself to impress a guy?
Nope. Or at least not until now.
30.) What makeup you could not live without?
Bb cream.
31.) Do you fall in love easily?
Yes? I mean no? I mean define fall in love. So, I think it's a maybe?
32.) Do you have cramps?
Yes, on the first day of my period. It's usually a 3 stages of cramp that I go through before the whole awfulness goes away, but I'm not going to list it here to scare you away.
So, I'm done with 32 questions.
Next, I'm tagging it to you.